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Posts posted by Reader

  1. All right, I opened the log file myself and saw that the plane was probably not activated when I tried to register. It's just a shame that I can't get around a new installation, a fast internet connection is assumed as natural everywhere, just not in the countryside in modern Germany, thanks to German Telecom.

    Thanks for the help and sorry for my google english.


  2. Thanks for the answer, sorry for my strange English. So, I am the user of an officially purchased license for the Torquesim SR-22 G1000 in the X-Aviationshop, from my account there I downloaded and installed version 1.2.0, then entered the activation data (email / password) and X-Plane 11 again started. The next time X-Plane is started, the SR22 is selected and the SR22 is loaded as shown in the example image. I hope that was understandable. Dieter Swada

    SR22 - 2021-06-02 06.46.05.jpg

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