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  1. I received a tip from someone over at the x-plane forums. Apparently it is a bad idea to install x-plane at the root of your C: drive. Which is exactly what I had done. Reinstalled it again, on the desktop this time. No crashes yet.
  2. After reinstalling x-plane and only the tbm as addon I got a bit futher into the flight. This time the hang occurred on final for RWY 25L at EDDF. Log is attached (I doubt it will be useful, the last entry in the log was about 30 minutes before the crash. Just out of curiosity: Would it be possible to obtain a refund? I really want this to work out, but I am running out of ideas... Log.txt
  3. Tried the exact same route today and experienced another hang. Not at the same location though. I would think that if it is a scenery issue it would happen at the same place. Anyway, I've decided I'm going to get out the big guns and do a complete reinstall of x-plane and only install the tbm as addon. We'll see how that goes.
  4. I'll try the exact same route tomorrow. I'll report back with the results.
  5. Are you saying that because of the "E/ATC: OH BOY! EHAM SEEMS TO MAYBE HAVE A ONE-WAY PATH TO A DEAD-END!" lines in the log. At first that worried me to but according to this thread on the x-plane forums it would not cause a crash: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/198788-x-plane-1141-multiple-hard-crashes/ I also don't remember installing addon scenery for EHAM. Attached is a screenshot of the event in the event viewer, in case it could help.
  6. I changed to windowed mode and it went fine for a few flights but tonight I had another hang. Logfile is attached. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance Log.txt
  7. I've tried windowed mode. So far so good. It was only one flight though, and as I said, it does not happen every flight. I'll keep flying in windowed mode and report back if I encounter another crash. Also, windowed mode takes a lot of immersion out of the experience. Any chance that this will get fixed?
  8. I thought I had AI traffic turned off... When I start a new flight and I click the "AI aircraft" button there are none. Or is there some other checkbox I need to uncheck? I'll try windowed mode.
  9. Right, I failed to specify that: It happens at random locations. My last 3 tries were at EHAM, but I've had it happen mid flight at FL200 a few times and at other airports as well. The problem is that it is fairly inconsistent to reproduce. Sometimes all goes well for a few flights and then suddenly it hangs.
  10. Tried again (at the same airport), and this time it crashed during takeoff. I tried the same departure with another addon aircraft and had no issues. Btw with CTD I mean that x-plane becomes unresponsive and when I click the window I get a popup from Windows asking if I want to terminate the application. I tried waiting for 5 minutes but that did not change anything.
  11. Hi, I've been experiencing random CTDs when using the TBM900. I'm unable to find a pattern as to when it happens. Today I've had 2 CTDs. One was during the before startup checklist (engine not yet running), and one in flight. The conditions were fairly similar: Same airport and same route. I have attached my log. Thanks in advance Log.txt
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