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  1. Can you please add an option to change the altimeter reference subscale between HPa and inHg?
  2. I will try, I find screenshoting in VR very hit and miss!
  3. In VR at night I can spot a faint line running down the cockpit windscreen on the co-pilots side. The line is where the windscreen curves and runs the whole height of the windscreen.
  4. I have noticed that the altitude selector knob on the AP is quite difficult to use in VR. The knob can be easily accessed but it is quite fine making it difficult to get the exact altitude you want. I find my self taking 2-3 attempts to select the altitude I want using the VR controller. Can the sensitivity of the the altitude selector be reduced a bit?
  5. 8n: Looks great, well done!!!!
  6. When the NAV 1 is tuned into a VOR DME, it provides a distance reading but when it is tuned into an ILS DME it does not. How can DME be shown during an instrument approach? I am trying to find a way of getting DME without loading an approach into the GPS so I can practice approaches without having a simple magenta line to follow. I for one would like to see as mod to remove the 530 and replace it will a more basic bendix king stack. Or maybe just install a separate DME unit slaved to NAV1.
  7. So has this tweak removed shadows completely?
  8. With if you are able.
  9. That's the one!! Combined with the black cockpit mod and it will look very retro!
  10. I have done some testing in VR at Westray Airport 1200 UTC, Stormy conditions, default airport textures and ZL16 Ortho4XP. My system is set to 45FPS ASW on. Results: Zibo 737 - Solid 45FPS JF Piper Arrow III - Solid 45FPS TS BN-2 Islander - 42-44 FPS Now I use a tweak to the Setting.txt that increases all the cockpit shadow textures to 8192 to remove the horrible shadows you get in VR. If I remove this and go back to default then I get 45FPS in the Islander. So this fixes my issue although I don't like the jagged cockpit shadows. However, I still think there is an underlyng issue since I was getting lower FPS in the BN-2 than in the Zibo with high res cockpit shadows. Hopefully this will help fix a cure. I also I note the glass instruments are very reflective. I have disabled this in the in the Zibo but not the Arrow. Could an option by added to the TS menu to disable instrument reflection to increase FPS? Here is a link to the tweak to increase cockpit shadow resolution which seems to point to an issue with the BN-2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq2YnqEt09k
  11. This looks great! Has anyone done G-BLNJ is the older BA livery?
  12. I have just bought the islander and it has the lowest FPS of any aircraft on my system including the zibo 737. It is as if it has knocked the AA up a notch..... And this is looking forward, not at the props or rear cabin. I hope they fix this and reduce the FPS hit.......
  13. The Islander is one of my favourite aircraft and so I decided to buy the Torque Sim version for XP11. This is my first payware aircraft and I think I have made a bad decision. The aircraft is very disappointing. I only fly in VR. I do not understand why the switches and some of the rotary knobs are sliders and not switches or rotary encoders. This makes them difficult to use in VR. For example, for the fuel gauges, you have move the controller different ways to get the two fuel selectors to rotate in the same direction. Whereas in other aircraft you select the knob and rotate the controller in the direction you want to rotate the knob. Also several switched only make a noise when they are turned off but not on. This makes the use of sliders even more difficult as it is difficult to tell when they have been switched. Also, there are no VR locations in any of the seats meaning you cannot jump to the co-pilot seat or a passenger seat using the controller. Finally I should have done more research as there is no DME. I for one don't understand why a developer would not put a DME in an aircraft from the 60s. Instead it seems you have to use the GPS dist to go which does not measure the same distance as a DME meaning IFR approaches flown without use GPS guidance will be off. Edit: Further disappointment, the BN-2 has LOWER frames than the Zibo 737 Mod even when the Zibo mod is displaying rain animations. I also tested the Just Flight Arrow Demo and just like the Zibo mod, that also sits at a solid 45 FPS (forced to 45 FPS) while the BN-2 hovers at 41-42. So all in all I am disappointed and feel I should have saved my money and waited for the Nimbus Sims version. If you plan to use the aircraft for VR only like me then I am afraid I cannot recommend it. I have V1.01. Jacks
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