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  1. The aircraft is really unflyable with the ''''''stable'''' version of gizmo64. Totally stuttering all the flight. You can't modify ANYTHING on the LEGS page of the FMC, without the aircraft start to stutter all 1 second. It's really sad, because it's not only me, and this problem happens since many time ago, with many people. The beta version is better and more stable than this one. Really sad. 75 bucks for an aircraft that you simply can't fly whitout change something on the FMC.
  2. Hi! I have the same problem of mcflyslim. Yesterday was working normally, i didn't change anything and it happened. Black screens, FMC and no menu on the left side. I returned to the ''stable'' version but it's so difficult to fly, because got many ''mini stutters'' during the flight, and i'm with 80fps on my X-PLANE. I already donwloaded the beta version that you post on the other post, and got the same problem.
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