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  1. Hello, I am playing more often with the CRJ-200 v1.4.5 in x-plane10. When the weather is Cavok, the planes behabiour is wonderfull, but I observed that the flight director, speed and altitude values becomes crazy when I cross the clouds and disconect in some ocassions the AP. I know that this can be normal if you try to cross a big storm, but I am talking that this happens with some clouds at 4000-5000 feets and the wind is arround 5-10knots (In the screen where the plane shows the wind direction and speed also becomes crazy). Maybe this is normal or this is a problem with my x-plane10 configuration. I just one to know if some of you have this behabiour or is just my x-plane. Sorry if you talk about that in other post. but I was looking like crazy and I couldn't find it. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello Pilots, I was looking the dataref list posted by Philip. I found a lot of dataref and finaly I set up my MPC COMBO to work with the CRJ-200. But I can´t find the dataref for the Emergency Light and the Logo Lights. I don´t know if they are in the list with other name or I need to find them in the x-plane dataref list like the smoke signal and belts signal also with other name because looking for emergency lights I can not find anything. thanks in advance. Good flights to everyone.
  3. Yes is X-plane 10. Thanks for your soon reply. Another time, great plane and great support team!
  4. First, You make a great plane, I have been playing with this during a couple of months. I am really happy. But I have a question. When I start the plane from cold and dark I found that the oil pressure data is in orange color arround 156 psi more or less, indicating a warning signal!. I was checking the manual and the tutorial videos from youtube and I found this numbers in green color. I can not find my error when I start the plane. Can some of you guys give some sugestions?. Also, this happend when I load the plane ready to fly. My system is CRJ 1.4.5, Windows 7 home edition, I7 860, 2x Ati 5770 crossfire. Thanks for your help. Jose.
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