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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1. WED is your friend.


    Import the DSF into WED (using file-> Import DSF), proceed to draw taxiways and runways, and export the resulting package (Ctrl-B )


    Although this creates a new DSF, It'll retain all the details of the original conversion.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Correct on Colin's assertion. Any objects, once uploaded to Trimble, are free to use by anyone for any purpose. This includes derived commercial works based on those objects. Trimble themselves even go out of the way to include simple laymans terms and examples regarding use of the objects in a for-pay or commercial works.

  3. I have updated the .torrent files being served off the ISDG servers to allow PEX and DHT -- thus if the main tracker goes down, we can still "find each other" using Dynamic Host Lookups and decentralized peering exchange.




    I have 2 servers @ 1 Gbps/sec seeding the new hashes -- if you load these, do a "force recheck" on all your files, and your Torrent client will only download the parts it's missing.

  4. That's the length of 1 side. ( 4km in this case ). Rather large. :). And yes, it's all about VRAM conservation.

    I donk know if it will solve your particular use case, though. POLs should render as far away as the DSF is rendered (ie 25km for now in Xplane until Ben decides to increase the number of DSF tiles loaded and/or the render distance. )

  5. Send us a screenshot of your rendering settings.


    There's options there to lock your front view to specific locations, you may have inadvertently enabled that.


    i.e. What happens when you press 'w'? thats the default "look forward in 2D panel view", unless one of these view-locks is triggered.

  6. Your keypad is probably not in "numerical" mode like Darius said.



    Also, there is no key assignment set for CTRL-8, or even 8 for that matter.


    Check your keyboard settings under "Settings -> Joystick and Equipment. Im sure these are set (as theyre the defaults)


    See attached pics:


    post-5973-0-23439600-1417057196_thumb.jp     post-5973-0-71618600-1417057198_thumb.jp

  7. X-Plane's texture set is 1.4 Gb, but that doesnt include mesh or other items.


    Install the OSX OpenGL Driver Monitor here: http://cdn.isdg.com.au/~chrisk/OPENGLMONITOR/


    Enable the "VRAM in use" graph, and it'll tell you how much VRAM youre *actually* using. I suspect that OSX is seriously hitting the VRAM hard, and the extra clouds are "pushing it over the edge".


    I did the same test on my GTX670 and found that I was indeed exceeding 2Gb of VRAM, even though XP10 reported only 1.5 Gb.


    - CK.


    EDIT: Let me know if that .DMG doesnt work, as thats the XC6.1 Yos Build. I have access to the previous versions (mavs/ML/etc.)

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