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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1. The ATC is brain dead sometimes. =)

    Sorry.. let me rephrase - the ATC is "too stringent/literal" sometimes; and likes to tell you every 10 seconds you're off course from the one you filed in the flight plan. It also doesn't like STARs, so if you are flying a proper STAR to your runway, it thinks you're off course vs. the ILS vectoring it's trying to do.

    Are you running XP10 10.04 Beta 4? Chris Serio has relaxed the altitude issues as well.

    - CK.

  2. The lack of roads around Vancouver is a bug; which Tom (Howdy) has acknowledged.


    Tom used a "road exclusion zone" since the original XP9 road data was terrible (i.e. non-OSM data) for Vancouver. However, a later released (Canada Roads OSM for XP9) fixed the Canadian Roads; but the exclusion zone stayed and hasn't been removed yet.

    Tom's Aware of it. He has an updated build which returns the roads; but you need to e-mail him.

    - CK.

  3. You may wish to also try re-calibrating your monitor. My external 24" shows everything much darker than my already-claibrated-by-the-factory Laptop Screen... just needed to up the brightness a little on the external and it was much improved.

    FWIW - I run at Gamma 2.8

    - CK.

  4. I have a message coming up since the patch saying Error Loading Scenery Package... then says something about their may be some errors in the scenery? Scenery loaded fine before the patch. And have not noticed anything major wrong. But that error comes up everytime.

    Which package?

    It tells you what it's trying to read.

    P.S. this has nothing to do with a Rudder Problem in 10.04; you might want to create a different thread next time as to not confuse the public.

    - CK.

  5. Ok

    0.1 Beta - have a look see.

    Charlie - I have copied your objects in here just to get the correct alignment. I will not be using them in the final product/release. Please disassemble this DSF and have a look at where Ive re-positioned your objects if you want to back-port them back into your scenery (to ensure correct alignment with the orthos).

    Lots of work-in-progress here. Check the README.txt for what is broken.

    No longer available - see Beta 0.2 Below

    - CK.

  6. NZCH: (and yes, the Grass *IS* brown)..

    i.e. for all those who said "What's up with the Airport? It looks like the orthos for the Xplane Airport you made were taken during a prolonged drought..." cough cough.. Um, No - It actually looks like this for many months of the year, naturally:





    - CK.

  7. Some Random NZCH area pics (and a couple from YSSY):

    A340, 747-400, and an A380 all hanging out together at YSSY:


    Our Piddilly little A320:


    Banks Peninsula - Outside Christchurch New Zealand




    Downtown (CBD) of Crumblechurch (Note: It doesn't all look like this, just some blocks w/the Earthquake Damage):




    The first Mountain Pass enroute to Arthurs Pass on the West Coast Highway:


    - CK.

  8. We have been overrun with the swaddled masses of the proletariat.

    It's gone mainstream... and we get all that is associated with that. No longer a niche product.

    Reminds me of the Internet from 1990-1994; all nice, clean, fast, no stray probe packets, etc.......... then *SOMEONE* Told all the WIndows users about it in 1995 (wasn't me!), and it went to crap =)

    - CK.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Bigbear - my comments were not to be taken with any serious consideration. =P

    Agreed - We will look and evaluate Flight. I'm interested too - Hope it runs OK under VMWare (most things seem to work fine on my Macbookpro that way in VmWare4 using Win7-64).

    - CK.

  10. So Chris, did you get out of your heated garage or car? Driving a '74 Ford Escort in Melbourne's winter, with a broken heater, now that's tough!

    Hah - Nope. not if I could avoid it. The car had a self-starter and heated seats. Would always heat up the car w/the remote starter from inside the house; then run real quick into the car to a nice warm bum... drive.. then run inside.

    Ahh, the joys of living in Southern Canada in February. (This was from a day trip from Calgary to Medicine Hat one morning where I needed to drive out to train some field techs that day on WiMAX Internet CPE/Router Installation - We were dropping Megabits on Farmers at the time).

    And phillip, you could get 2MBit/sec in the middle of a field in Canada vs. poor xDSL in Urban Germany =)

    - CK

  11. Does it have power-ups? I heard it had power-ups. Power-ups give you aileron roll ability +1.

    I also like how there's now a Flight Marketplace, so you can purchase additional power-ups (like more engines for your Cessna 172, I say 3 is the right amount, but Ive seen guys with 5 or 7 engines on their Cessna 172. Ive also seen guys with Rockets, and one with 5 landing wheels, but I think that costs like $4.99)

    You can also pimp your vertical stabilizer with cool decal colouring for only $0.99, and add ring-tones and Justin Bieber sounds to your NAV radio.

    I also like how you can trade stuff... like how you can trade altitude for airspeed.

    Man, It's Gunna Be AWESOME!

    - CK.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Coming in the next version:

    Right-mouse drag to look around in 3-D cockpit command-look view, and mouse scroll wheel zooms. This is a pretty convenient way to look around the 3-D cockpits.

    Source: http://wiki.x-plane.com/Beta

    FINALLY! Why oh why before did we have to hit, ctrl-o, or shift, 9, then scroll, then mouse, then q or e, then move.. then +/-

    Glad to see that someone realized how broken it was, and has fixed it =)

    Yay LR!

    - CK.

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