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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1. YSSY Airport Beta 0.85

    Build July 21, 2012




    - Grass. Lots of it on runway/taxiway edges.

    - This is what I wanted to do for NZCH originally, instead of forest, but lacked the insight to do it.

    - Finished Billboard 3

    - Finished Billboard 1 (DRAFT)

    - Finished Yellow Edging DOM terminal

    - Notice the Grass? 3 types of Grass facades.

    - More Centrelines/Taxiway/markings

    - Yellow Edges and Yellow Bars/"Do not Drive Here Markings" Complete on 34L

    - Hrmmm, Did you notice the grass?

    - Couple extra vehicles midfield to add to clutter.

    - Did you notice that I'm growing my own grass? (chrisk style - facade instead of forest). =)

    - Fixing more lighting, adding spots where needed. HDR is looking fantastic now.

    Note: the Grass's AlphaChannel is still buggy... need to clean it up some more on the longer grass (stuff that is set back off the runway in the fields...) however, The close/dark stuff is finished.

    - CK.

  2. Nope. Never heard back.

    S'Okay - It's a staged approach. Once the Airport is done, I can then turn my attention to the CBD/Downtown Buildings. Those should be able to be dome with 100% existing facades, since I walk by all of them every day.

    Heh, I was bugging the wife one day saying "See that building? I have a facade that looks exactly like that.... and see that one? I can totally model that with the built in lib/US/urban_high objects..."

    She just looked at me strangely... =)

    - CK.

  3. There's a 670 which is only a little bit slower than the 680, but seems to come with a lesser sticker-shock.

    Other users are reporting "Great Success!" with the 670 and 680 with X-Plane as well; including 1 macPro user who's using a 680 with Mountain Lion (as it's natively supported now).


    - CK.

  4. Beta 0.8:

    July 20, 2012


    - New tiles from Ropeless (11-3, 10-3)

    - 4 more hi-res tiles shrunk/cut/optimized. Another, oh lets say.. 3.5 Mb of VRAM. =)

    - Re-did the YSSY tower in LIT textures, shaded it, and added some beacon lighting. Looks great at night now.!

    - Adjusted the LOD on many field clutter objects, so they show up either earlier or later.

    - i.e white bollards down to 1.5km instead of 2.5k, white gables from 2.5k to 5.0k etc. This helps FPS/frame rates when further away from the ILS towers.

    Please let me know of any FPS issues when looking in certain direction (post screenshot & rendering settings), any too-detailed objects, VRAM limits, etc. (This is for you Ola) =)

    I have cut down pretty much everything I can think of/can do for now to optimize VRAM; short of sacrificing high-detail in areas that you *will* notice. =)

    Only a few tiles left to go! We're on track for release soon.

    - CK.

  5. Now this is what i call cutting it close! (texture res: "very high" / no HDR)


    .. although it's probably swapping out textures/VRAM already. (And it was @ 40FPS, but I had to Cmd-Tab to show the VRAM monitor)

    Guess what I found tho.. XP10 uses over 320-350Mb of VRAM all by itself just at startup, without even loading a plane or any scenery yet!

    Meaning: I don't have 300-400 Mb of VRAM to play with for photo sceneries - In reality, I have about 150Mb of VRAM.

    See the "rant' section.

    - CK.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Ok - we could throw it back in the Queue for completion; or we could collectively throw your objects and the orthos at Simon if he wants to dabble in scenery Dev, as well as integrate the OSM2XP shapes into it.

    Simon - Ball in your court. =) More than happy to send all my artwork and WED project to you for the "crisp ortho base" =)

    - CK.

  7. One thing I have done since I was last able to export was made part of the facade wall round using bezier curves, am I able to do this with walls?

    Yep - those work - I use round walls and fence facades all the time in WED 1.2

    What's WED doing? crashing? tossing an error? locking up?

    There is the bug report form on laminar's website, but WED bugs are low priority at the moment. (http://dev.x-plane.c.../bugreport.html)

    PM me your earth.wed.xml file and I'll see if I can export it. (no need to send the package, just the WED project is all Id need)

    - CK.

  8. Beta 0.75:

    July 16, 2012

    >>> SHUT EVERYTHING ELSE DOWN if you have a 512 Mb Video Card! <<<

    >>> You will need every Ounce of VRAM in your card for this scenery. <<<

    Mini Update - this one's all about VRAM!

    - New tile 11-5 (ropeless), and downsampled to 1k by 1k for VRAM savings (1.4 Mb VRAM)

    - Cut 11 tiles in half (half the tile is 2k x 2k, the other 1k x 1k or less)

    - Savings of 19 Mb of VRAM Yet again by all the cutting.

    - Basically I'm downsampling in areas that you're not generally looking, without sacrificing detail in the areas where it counts.

    - Sent RWY07/RWY16R Glideslope changes to Robin Peel so that it'll be automatically added for all X-Plane users.

    - CK.

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