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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1. LAYER_GROUP <group name> <offset>


    This specifies which layer group (z order) to draw the polygon in. The definition is the same as the ATTR_layer_group command in the OBJ8 spec.





    OBJ8 Spec :


    When the ATTR_layer_group is included somewhere in an object [chrisk: as per the above, use "LAYER_GROUP <x> <x>" in POLs and LINs] then the object is drawn in a different layer group. The offset is used to prioritize further–for example. the group + 1 is drawn after the group, and the group – 2 is drawn two layers before objects. You can use an offset from -5 to + 5.

    The valid layer names [chrisk: in increasing order of priority] are:


    terrain, beaches, shoulders, taxiways, runways, markings, airports, roads, objects, light_objects, cars


    Note: the group “airports” covers all airport drawing. Within this group are the sub-groups shoulders, taxiways, runways, and markings. Markings are for taxilines and thus are on top of all other layers.

  2. File Name: C77 Poplar Grove Illinois Photoreal

    File Submitter: chris k

    File Submitted: 04 Jan 2013

    File Category: DSF Scenery Packages

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10

    C77 Poplar Grove Photoreal

    Version 1.0, Jan 04, 2013

    By: Chris K and the ISDG Group

    This scenery was made in request from a user named Becky Lynn, who is a new XP10 user (but not new to flying!) who was very surprised that nobody had taken this cute fly-in / live-in residential airport and updated it's taxiways since the beginning of time.

    I was about to walk through a quick learn tutorial with WED, but since this was a one-off, I decided to quickly update the taxiways myself. Since I had WED open anyways, I also decided to give it the "Photo Underlay" Treatment and spruce it up with some standard XP10 library objects at the same time. (Hangars, FBOs, etc.)

    Took about 2 hours to get done.

    Nothing fancy.




    Copy to your /Custom Scenery/ Folder.



    Orthophotos courtesy of the United States Geological Survey (USGS)

    The dataset uses the 30cm/pixel USGS HiRes Orthoimagery

    This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per:


    Copyrights and Credits

    USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain.

    When using information from USGS information products [chrisk: which I am], publications, or Web sites, proper credit must be given.

    Credit is provided by including the following citation:

    Credit: U.S. Geological Survey

    Department of the Interior/USGS

    The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov.



    - Uses 4096x4096 textures and pure XP10 Library - Sorry XP9 Users....

    - Includes the earth.wed.xml project for anyone who wished to improve upon this.

    - I hereby release this scenery into the public domain and allow any and all derivative works to anyone who chooses to do so.


    Click here to download this file

  3. I assume you made these POL files yourself.


     i.e. the POL definition, the textures inside, the SIZE <x> <y> arguments, LOD 0 25000, etc...


    When you click on the POL and select it - whats in the bottom-right window (the Attributes window) in WED, in terms of the resource: line? (the scenery/WED project may have been hard-coded for a specific relative path that no longer exists on your HD)


    Do you still have your customized library.txt you made when you created your own POL library? Ensure your library.txt is there and has the right headers:




    Are you indeed exporting the .POL files into the library, or are you just using relative pathing within your own project/directory?



    EXPORT  /custom-pols/my-pol.obj MyLibrary/scenery/pols/my-pol.pol

    Can you zip up and send us your project? (privately - wont go anywhere but us). Can have a look.


    - CK.

  4. Me?


    I have no authority there... I'm just an end-user like yourselves.


    I was added to the leaders-list for simply answering a bunch-o-questions (and answering them correctly, heh) and general contribution (Scenery, tools, utilites, being generally helpful, etc..).


    ...never actively sought out or asked for the recognition explicity per se.



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