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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1. Should put that in as a feature request.

    BTW as per your prev suggestion - I have "shiny runways" kinda working now. It's not a perfect solution - needs some help from Ben, but I have sunlight reflections now working in a hacked up way.

    • Upvote 1
  2. post-5973-0-89340200-1360525671_thumb.jp  post-5973-0-84080400-1360525762_thumb.jp


    MacMini w/XHSI2

    24" 1920x1200 Monitor


    MacPro w/GTX670 on the main system

    23" 1920x1080 IPS Monitor (an absolutely beaut monitor)


    MacBookPro (not shown) running Qutescoop v2

    (Real-time VATSIM aircraft/controller 3D globe display)


    Saitek X52 Pro Stick/Throttle, Seinheisser headset, A4 Sectional Charts



    The only way to fly!

  3. I can't believe you guys have never heard of it.

    This is probably one of the singlemost useful utilities for x-plane. Mark Rogers has done us all a great service with his utility.

    Edit: hah. There's even a pic of my multi monitor setup on the thread Steve posted.

  4. File Name: Wide Taxiway Markings Library Replacement

    File Submitter: chris k

    File Submitted: 08 Feb 2013

    File Category: Misc Scenery Resources

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 & 10

    Wide Taxiway Markings - Library Replacement v2.0

    (a.k.a. X-Plane Default Taxiway Texture Line Marking Replacement Definition files... say that 10 times fast!)

    Feb 06, 2013 - Chris K and the ISDG Group


    Quick Description:

    This file makes the X-plane default taxiways much wider; better reflecting reality.

    All Airport pavement markings look much more like their real-life counterparts.


    Detailed Description:

    This file overwrites X-Plane's built-in library of taxiway markings using the Library EXPORT system functionality provided by X-Plane. It replaces the Line (.LIN file) definitions with a duplicate definition file which exactly doubles the size of the lines in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

    This method manipulates the library in a "3rd party developer" friendly way, by use of LIBRARY directives, and in no way overwrites any of X-Planes default files; or requires the end-user to modify X-Planes own internal files or textures. This makes it work for any version of X-Plane that supports the 800 LIBRARY system, which includes X-Plane 8.5+, X-Plane 9, and X-Plane 10. This method also allows easy installation, and is easy to delete.



    Unzip, and copy "Wide Taxiway Markings Library Replacement" into "Custom Scenery" - That's it.


    Delete "Wide Taxiway Markings Library Replacement" from "Custom Scenery" - That's it.



    Works on both XP9 and XP10; As these files didn't change (or get any upgrades to better ones) between the XP versions.



    v1.0 to v2.0 changes:

    As per daveduck's excellent insight, we changed from individual files you needed to manually copy into X-Planes internals by hand...........to a library-based method to replace the markings in an X-Plane "3rd party" modification friendly way.

    Click here to download this file

  5. +1 on Defective unit


    I have an X52 Pro - I do not have this problem with mine.


    The stick and metal are are lock-step with each other. very tiny amount of wiggle in the nullzone only in my 'z' direction. (which is ok for rudder anyways)


    No X/Y nullzone that I can detect.


    - Ck.

  6. Since they overlap - there should be 2 images that could go there too.. so black is usually that the texture files arent powers-of-two that I can remember; but you mention they are. so.. no that cant be it.


    S/T coordinates correct? Your draped poly has 4 corners, each corner should be S/T coords of 0,0  0,1  1,0 annd 1,1 for Lower Left, Top Left, lower right, top right respectively


    - CK.

  7. I have tried a few things with no luck, and now that I am thinking about this more today. Do I have to make a draped poly for each tile separately?


    Uh.. yes. You need to tell X-plane "I want to use this image in the scenery". X-Plane only understands draped poly's. If you haven't made a draped poly out of your imported image, how would X-plane know use it?


    WED does not attempt to read your mind. =)


    it shows black in some of where the over lapping


    PNG must be a power-of-two per side.

  8. Yeah but I'm still missing zero blur XP9 (e.g. runway) textures.

    FlyJs textures work In XP9 last time I checked.

    There were no changes to that code or scenery elements from XP9 -> XP10 from what I have discovered.

  9. Hahaha. Thanks scuba.

    Chuck - this is an absolutely huge airport. Heh YSSY comparable, if not larger by a significant fraction. In conparison Sydney was 6+ months as I recall This will take a comparable ammount of time, if not moreso.

    We also have a few other projects on the go in parallel / simultaneously with this one. It'll be a toss up as to which one will get finished first, depending on resourcing. (hah, now I sound like a project manager ). ;)

    We will keep the community posted as we progress. There's a lot if things we wish to do with an overall Toronto-area GTA scenery that are still in planning phases. The airport will simply be the centrepiece of a larger, more comprehensive scenery package as we're envisioning it upon release.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Knock it off both of you. ;)

    Colin, Cameron is a level headed and sincere guy. He does mean well and truly does wish you the best of luck in your project.

    Don't read into things that aren't there - or hidden meanings. Take it at face value - you'll notice the whole tone of this discussion changes.

    We can all peacefully coexist in the ecosystem.

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