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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1. Hi All,


    Ive been on hiatus for the past month, taking a break from all things X-Plane related (heh) -


    However, I have returned to doing some work on CYYZ. Still much more to do - I want to push a beta out soon for those who enjoy this sort of thing.



  2. Development for X-Plane in OSX is fantastic and fluid. The build-in graphics-friendly tools are great, and well, spotlight simply rocks for finding things buried somewhere in my custom scenery hierachies.


    Quick loads, can have both WED and XP10 loaded; OSX is always responsive for task switching, even after Ive completely killed my VRAM ;)


    Then use Windows/Linux for the actual "flying" of the sim for the FPS speed.


    But yes, for dev work - you cant fault OSX for this. Smooth as butter.


    - CK,

  3. 732_91.jpg


    Toronto Infield Terminal, Autogate 1.40, Ambient spill HDR Lighting, Custom Tarmac.


    Took a while to get it right! ;) Still need a quick photoshop job to remove some artifacts; but thought Id share this nice Night-Lighting scene.


    - CK.

    • Upvote 8
  4. I have a number of taxiways that are incorrect in quite a dramatic manner.


    Sounds like Nobody updated them in the last 5 years.


    Would it be better to inform Robin Peel about these


    Robin Peel does not fix taxiways - He collects edits form end-users.


    or should one attempt to fix them themselves. 




    WED looks pretty difficult to me and I am not sure I can handle a taxiway edit, or anything else in WED at this point.


    WED is quite easy if you give it 20 minutes of your attention. You don't learn photoshop in 5 minutes either... nor how to fly an airplane. ;)




    Give it 20 minutes - And dont make a new airport - just load in the existing KJMS instead, and just edit it... that'll save you 90% of the work.

  5. Looks like a simple work-around is to Just create the working directory in /Custom Scenery/ Manually via Windows Explorer / My Computer / DOS Prompt / Any Other Method first.


    Ive actually never tried to use WED to actually create a directory in my /Custom Scenery/ in 2 years of using it. ;) Hah. If a bug exists in that part of the code, Im sure it escaped 99% of the beta testers; since I really don't think anyone actually ever used that "Create New Package" button.

  6. So CDN 1194 and I have teamed up for CYTZ. He's doing some fantastic work at the Island Airport with Objects.


    Ive added a Toronto Replacement pack and CYYZ all in together now. It's really coming along.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Directional heading / variance.

    Its the GPSs way of letting you know you're off course, and you should steer to the right.

    In this case - you're off to the left of the ideal course.

    Turn right and attempt to intercept the gps-plotted route. (the gps basically plots a line between your current location and your target location when you first programmed the GPS). This little wondering O character tells you just how far you are laterally left or right from that "ideal straight line".

    Once you're lined up on the route, the O will be in the centre of the display, ontop of the middle "I"

    In your case - Once you're lined up, turn slightly to the left to return to your proper direction.

    If the O starts drifting again, you'll need to repeat this process.

  8. Great Stuff John!


    You're certainly taking XP10 to it's proper evolution ;)


    Hehe, once again in X-Plane (and this holds for other sims too)..., a 3rd party developer steps in to save the day ! ;)

  9. OE is simpler to learn. WED is a more complicated-to-lean (or so ive been told), but a powerhouse of tools,  and was written by another guy.


    Both can basically do the same thing. I have used WED exclusively since I started - for complex ortho scenery, WED is far faster to work in.


    Download OE here: http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/tools.html

    Download WED Here: http://developer.x-plane.com/tools/worldeditor/  (I use version 1.2b)

    WED Manual to get you started: http://www.x-plane.com/support/manuals/wed/


    If you're just adding a few landmarks, OE is probably your best bet - it'll show the base terrain and you can easily add a dozen or so objects with relative ease.


    If you're into developing entire airports, with thousands of objects, polygons, fence facades, taxiways, with hierarchical editing and revision control, etc... then WED should be your tool of choice.


    Try them both - should take about 20 minutes to really get the feel of both of them... and probably produce your first scenery with OE in that time.


    - CK.

  10. I dont think its actually attaching...


    .. confirmed. the screenshot gets "uploaded" too quickly. I just dragged-and-dropped a 12 Mb JPEG - it instantly appeared, Impossible. I submitted - dialog showed up instantly as well.


    It would "appear" to me that the image is there, but I'm pretty sure that the forum board cant see it/doent see it/sees something like a locall URL like file:///mydrive./some/fie/on/my/desktop.jpg . which, of course, only I could see. (you guys cant see my desktop, eh?)


    - CK

  11. Is the chip? Yes.


    Is OSX EFI capable of doing it? No.


    Not to worry - My most demanding object and texture hungry scenery so far .... is now totally usable - at stupidly insane levels of detail. ;)


    The 6.4 GT/sec vs 4.8 GT/sec "Front Side Bus" (QPI now) is making a huge difference as well - 33% faster RAM/PCIe/CPU access generally.... at least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it ;)


    I also reran the "battery of standard X-Pane benchmarks" and I'm ahead anywhere between 13% to 22%. Pretty cheap upgrade at $299 FWIW. The 3.46 Hexacore was way out of my price-range (>$1000) for not much return-on-investment.


    - CK

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