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  1. Hello, with an empty weight of 2078 kg / 4581 lbs, what arm and moment has been used for the tbm 900?
  2. Well…the installation order is the only significant thing that has worked for me. I don’t think the hard drive defragmentation I did last week is significant. You know the guts of the beast, I was just trying to help. In short, I am happy to use this wonderful plane again. Regards.
  3. Hello, today I am writing to announce that after hundreds of tests I managed to prevent my computer from freezing. I think there is some mistake on your side with TBM 900 and Gizmo. How did I solve the problem? It occurred to me to install the LES Saab 340A to test if it would freeze. I didn’t freeze. Then I installed the TBM 900 and magically it didn’t freeze. I noticed a change in this installation from all the previous ones, the default cockpit view. Before it was in front, now it is further back (correct view, same as view of YouTube videos). I’m running x-plane 11.55 (OpenGL), full screen and traffic global. If you need the log files tell me. Hope that helps.
  4. Ok, I will try, thanks.
  5. Bien, parece que estamos en un callejón sin salida. El lunes hice 2 pruebas con la TBM (GCXO-LEAL): * Primera prueba: Limpié mi computadora, agregué ventilación extra (para descartar la posibilidad de calor) y bajé los objetos del mundo. Resultado: se congeló. Log.txt * Segunda prueba: todas las anteriores + Bajé la configuración gráfica. Resultado: se congeló. Log.txt Hoy martes hice 1 prueba (GCXO-LEAL): * Con el airbus 319, sin ventilación extra y con efectos visuales en HDR, texturas en medio y objetos en medio. Resultado: perfecto. Conclusión: no es mi computadora y no es X-Plane. Creo que la complejidad de la TBM congela mi sistema. Gracias por toda tu ayuda.
  6. The flight we are talking about is GCXO - LEAL (3:40 h am according to SimBrief) and it always freezes after half the flight. The order in which it happens: I connect sim, 30 minutes later I star to prepare the flight, […], it freezes and then I try to exit the sim. So, what did you see in the log that it means?, not caused by TBM?
  7. I’m on X-Plane 11.55 (OpenGL) in a new clean installation from the desktop (Not OneDrive), in windowed mode, not scenery (not GMMI), and without plugins. Only X-Plane with the TBM. Is there any way to fix this?
  8. Hello, it froze again with the test flight. What is happening to him? Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  9. Yes, I just finished the new installation of X-Plane on the desktop and also installed the TBM, I will do the test soon. I will inform you with the result.
  10. It doesn’t open x-plane if I move the shaders folder, I get a warning: ”There was a problem processing a GLSL pixel shaders. You may need to rerun the installer or update your graphics drivers. Resources/shaders/font.glsl Resources/shaders/font.glsl”
  11. Ah okay, you are referring to the resources/shaders folder, right? I will move the shaders folder to the desktop and test. I will inform you of the result of the flight. Thanks.
  12. Shaders? I have nothing installed. Is it something from x-plane by default?
  13. Hello, it happened again, it froze again. I did the flight in windowed mode and with a clean installation without plugin. Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  14. Okay, thanks.
  15. Ok, I will try a new flight with window mode. But does the problem with AMD happen only with the TBM or also with other airplanes? Thank you.
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