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Everything posted by robertzzy

  1. I also agree. The TBM900 is simply the best aircraft I have flown. I am astonished with the level of detail. My wife purchased the Hotstart A340 as a present for me several months ago and although I am really looking forward to flying it, I just cant get myself to break away from the TBM900. I don't believe that since I purchased it (approx 1 year ago) that I have flown anything else for more than 10 minutes at a time. I plan on purchasing every aircraft from the Hotstart stable, even if I don't get the opportunity to fly them. I hope my expectations are not too high but everyone involved in the development and marketing of this product deserves a pat on the back and professional recognition. Hotstart don't seem to produce too many airplanes. Anyone with the TBM900 will understand why.
  2. Hi Goran, this is the link I was referring to: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialLeadingEdgeSimulations/posts/les-saab-340-xp11-compatibility-official-announcementas-youre-all-aware-the-saab/1738147979528976/ I didnt look at the posting date of it but only the 'V2' part of the posting. Hope this has not caused too much concern. Your company produce the best products I have experienced on XP. So thanks for all of your efforts. Robert.
  3. Hi Goran, I will try and backtrack through my browser history and find the posting. However I cannot promise anything as I had spent over a day looking at postings.
  4. I looked at so many links regarding the Saab. I honestly dont know where I read it but from its content it looked kinda offical as the author seemed to sound as if he knew everything regarding the airplane. I think it was dated sometime around March 2019 which also made the reference to the release being towards the end of the year after the release of the BN-2. It also said that the new Saab would not contain all of the functionality as the current one and listed the reasons why. The statement that made me think it was official was "I will get it as close to the real thing as I can." having listed all of the technical difficulties.
  5. Hi, having purchased the TBM900 from LES, I was about to purchase the Saab 340A. I did a little research and found that version 2 will be required to run with Vulkan and this will be treated as a new product rather than an upgrade from X-Aviation. As a programmer for many years I know the work that can go into a product however I would prefer to wait until ver2 rather than havng this aircraft 3 times in my hanger. I already own the Carnedo (excuse the spelling). Does anyone know if ver2 is on the horizon and when the expected release date is due to be? I have seen vague estimates such as at the end of the year or next year but I am wondering should I hold off for now. Thanks Robert.
  6. Thanks. Its my favourite plane. Absolutelty excellent. Hope others are to follow.
  7. Does anyone know how or where can I find out what version of the TBM 900 I have installed? Will I be notified of a change/update within X-Plane? Thanks, Robert.
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