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Everything posted by Pateador

  1. Hi every one, I need help: I had to do a complete reinstallement of XPlane, and now I cannnot installe I XEG 737 classic..... During XPlane installetion, it says that no liveries and other few files cannot be found, but installtion is completed. When I try to install Ixeg 737, it looks normal, but when I executed XPlans, no 737 Classsic is found....any clues, please? It´s late at home, and may be I am doing something wrong :(
  2. Ben... So simple and so dumb for my part, it works beautifully now.... THANKS A LOT
  3. Hi Cameron and Jan, The problem that I have, if it is about activation, in no momment I got in my screen, as far as I remember, any activation process. Today I downloaded again the 737, and once Xplane opened and the 737 selected, no message whatsoever about activation......And I had deactivated Windows defender just in case. Anyway, I send you the log fileas requested. So again...HELP, please Log.txt
  4. Hi Jan I have tried as you said, no way... Furthermore, when I open the 737, in my screen I have my point of view ALWAYS behind the head of the pilot, and the keyboard doesn’t work properly either, that could be because I have a Spanish one , with this extra letter Ñ, and in the past it was a problem. As also as I said at the very beginning, my cursor when positioned over a switch, changes to a hand, usually meaning that some action could be done, but not in my case. So it look like it is a problem of position a I see in others enquirers... So, any more ideas to solve this problem, please?
  5. Hi Cameron, I have the Xplane 10, so I suppose that my problem is different from the owners of the Xplane 11.
  6. Video card drivers already updated, working fine in any other Xplane 10 aircrafts...
  7. Yes I have a triple monitor rig, 2 Nvidia gtx680 SLI, using 3 ports of the 4 availables
  8. I have recently purchased the 737 CL, and my mouse is not working properly: I can see it moving, but no pop up settings and neither clickable button can be activated. I have W10 up to date, as drivers and also the Xplane 10.. Any ideas about this issue?
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