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  1. Remarkable as it may be, everything is working with my Honeycomb Bravo, except the ability to program the CRS. For some reason, (or other) that didn't come through with the default throttle profile. I was wondering if anyone had success programming the CRS option (2nd to last on the left rotary dial.) Thanks in advance... Crash
  2. Apologies for the late reply. I'm not here all that often... Your suggestion worked...Thanks
  3. It's not a big deal, but I was wondering if I could program the Garmin RXP before doing an AutoStart. I'd just be saving the gas. i.e. ensuring that I'd have enough to get to get to my destination. Once the Garmin RXP is programmed, and the SF340 is started via AutoStart, am I good to taxi at that point? Thanks. Crash
  4. Thanks, for the link.
  5. What guide? Could you post a link? (I don't come around here that often, so please pardon my ignorance.) Crash
  6. The last time I was here, there was a "Support" forum for all the makes and models of aircraft, LES being one of them. I was just wondering what happened to that forum. Thanks. Crash
  7. Crash

    PAX weight?

    WR269 et. al. , Ok, Thanks, It sounds great, I'll look into it... Thanks!
  8. Thanks N1K and Cameron for all your help. Much appreciated.
  9. Crash

    PAX weight?

    Thanks for sharing mmerelles. Is it just a one time fee at the time of purchase? and By chance are you using a simBrief custom a/c profile? And if you are, does it (the output from simBrief,) match iGo's weights and other numbers? Thx
  10. Crash

    PAX weight?

    I stand corrected, I meant to say the Garmin 530...So, as far as the Garmin is concerned, is pax weight a factor, as I don't believe it takes into account pax weight...
  11. Ok, thanks Just you let you, (and everyone else,) know, I couldn't find any of the data like the information listed on page 17 (link to pdf in initial post) It could be I missed it.... If you find it in the "Charts" pdf please let me know.
  12. What page of the manual are they on?
  13. What "data sets" for lack of a better term, are you using for the Weights they are referencing? Thanks.
  14. On Page 17 it lists the weights of the Saab 340 A and I was wondering if these weights and specs were a correct reflection of the LES 340 A... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwiCj9aOyr3pAhVFrJ4KHYKOCcIQFjAAegQICBAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saabaircraftleasing.com%2Fprod%2FdataSheets%2F340Brochure.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1IETUxOv4lSxzZISzdHj11 Thanks in advance, Crash
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