I'm running multi monitor. The 21:9 is the furthest left monitor. However. If I put the XP11 sim on my 16:9 monitor in the middle, it works just fine. No idea whats going on. Only found this bug by wanting to turn the sound down and I couldn't, temporary fix was to just move the sim over to a different monitor, adjust sounds, and then move it back to my sim monitor.
Edit: I should clarify, I'm only using ONE monitor for the sim, but have multiple monitors in my PC setup.
Edit 2: If I hover my mouse inside the pop-out GTN750 window, the gizmo sidetray menu shows up. However, if I move my mouse out of the GTN750 window, it disappears. So I still can't click on anything. If I disable the GTN750 entirely, i still can't get to the ridehand menu.