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jmurphy2486 last won the day on January 14 2020

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  1. Found the fix with the help of a friend. The monitor the sim is on has to be the "Main Display" in windows and then it works!
  2. No worries! Thanks for the heads up! Glad to know it wasn't something I broke. Look forward to the updates! Thanks for the help!
  3. I'm running multi monitor. The 21:9 is the furthest left monitor. However. If I put the XP11 sim on my 16:9 monitor in the middle, it works just fine. No idea whats going on. Only found this bug by wanting to turn the sound down and I couldn't, temporary fix was to just move the sim over to a different monitor, adjust sounds, and then move it back to my sim monitor. Edit: I should clarify, I'm only using ONE monitor for the sim, but have multiple monitors in my PC setup. Edit 2: If I hover my mouse inside the pop-out GTN750 window, the gizmo sidetray menu shows up. However, if I move my mouse out of the GTN750 window, it disappears. So I still can't click on anything. If I disable the GTN750 entirely, i still can't get to the ridehand menu.
  4. On my 21:9 (3440x1440 100hz) monitor, the gizmo menu on the righthand side doesn't show up at all. Also, the sound volume control isn't adjustable. If I click any of the sound sliders they go to 0% and cannot be changed unless I click the "reset all" button. this all works fine on my 16:9 monitor. Any ideas? I've done a fresh install and everything else works.
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