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Everything posted by zpkarol

  1. OK, thank you for quick reply, much appreciated. Glad I am not the only one with odd problem ☺️ Looking forward to the fix!
  2. I am trying to follow https://www.togasim.com/mu2docs/setup/hardware_setup.html#keyboard-and-mouse and I just can't get the throttles to lift over the detent using keyboard only. I think this section of the manual has not been updated for 2.0.4: the vanilla "lift condition levers" command seems to be gone, but I tried both "lift both levers for single lever hardware" and "lift both levers for dual lever hardware" and neither works with keyboard only. I can move the throttles into beta range with the mouse (by "grabbing between the throttles"), but I would really like to avoid moving my hand away from the keyboard during landing run. Any ideas?
  3. The autopilot supplement definitively deserves an entry in the left-side documentation navigation menu BTW. @tkyler can we get that added to the bug fix list please? TIA!
  4. Maybe consider exposing special command to cycle the FD fuse, ha ha
  5. Thank you for update! Wow. This is the first AP system that I have seen that does not allow one to turn off the FD once it is turned on.
  6. First flight with 2.01 release + G500, really enjoying this aircraft, buta small, annoying issue: I can't turn the FD off. According to the docs, it is supposed to go off when SBY button is pressed twice https://www.togasim.com/mu2docs/supplements/spz500.html#flight-director-modes ... but no matter how many times I press the SBY button, the FD stays on. Anybody else see the same thing?
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