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Everything posted by CaptainCasual

  1. I've not had any tail strikes, it's been the same across two airframes (from the first flight), default failures are indeed off and I disabled every LUA script that was active, although none were doing anything to my hardware. The pitch is especially hard to control. I've set the sensitivity to 23% and it's still enough to move the stick a millimeter or two and the plane jolts up/down. If I enable the control stiffening, I have to move the stick around a whole lot to get any movement and it goes out of control when I try to descend with the stiffening enabled.
  2. I did, yeah. I've gone through it a few times to make sure everything is in working order. I'm tempted to try doing a fresh re-install of X-Plane and see if it's any different with just the TBM installed and no other plugins. It'd just be a hassle to re-install the plugins again one by one to figure out which one could be affecting it, if it even is a plugin conflict issue :/
  3. Hello everyone! So, I just bought the TBM 900 yesterday and I've been trying it out, but I'm having some rather annoying issues with it. My main problem is that it's just so hard to hand fly due to it being extremely twitchy. The absolute tiiiniest movements on my flight stick send it pitching way too much up/down left/right to the point where it's extremely hard to just keep it level at a desired altitude. I've configured my response curves and control sensitivities (and made sure stability augmentation is on 0%) to the point where they feel comfortable and natural in every other aircraft, none of them behave like the TBM. I was wondering if anyone here has gone through this as well, if it might be some plugin messing with it or something.... any ideas basically? I'm also having reaaal difficulties fine tuning the trim. No matter how much I try to set it correct so the plane stays level, the nose always starts going up, so I go one notch down on the trim and it pitches down heavily and starts descending. Then if I go one notch up again, it goes way up again and starts ascending. Same with the roll, it's always rolling one way or the other no matter how I trim it. To get it to stay sort of level, I have to set the trim, then either hold the stick back/push it forward as well as hold it to the left/right depending on how I set the trim, and I still have to make adjustments all the time. If I want to hand fly and try to stay level I basically have to keep my eyes glued to my attitude and vertical indicators, and as soon as I take my hand off the stick for just a couple seconds it's gone off course. Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks!
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