This error is likely caused by a firewall or antivirus you have blocking the license data from being downloaded on your computer.
Best Regards,
The Log 04-12-2024
Firewall off, antivirus deleted, B737-300 deleted and with Fierwall of... new installeted. New activated.
0:05:48.417 G64: warn: We have received:[lss.xa.validation] msg:[8599407] param:[-1006400400]
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: ----Beginning License Check Sequence----
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: defaulting IXEG license to OFF before activation checks
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Staging kill functions in case license invalid....
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Verifying Level 2 backup before initiating checks.....
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level 2 backup ready and standing by, Beginning license checks
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: ---------------------------------------------------------------
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Checking for valid license via Level 1.....
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 license check good. Requesting Level-2 check....
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Performing Level-2 check
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-2 check FAILED
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [1]
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [2]
0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 PASS / Level-2 FAIL. License invalid
0:05:48.419 G64: debug: GK: Auto license update is on.
0:05:48.419 G64: debug: GK: Always update is on.
0:05:48.419 G64: debug: GK: Requesting license update..
into Gizmo Menue is the litenc activated, but is the sam error!? Ok, i will a new Installationprogramm or back my money! To time the Boeing is unusable...