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  1. Hallo Litjan, und das ist alles!? Du verärgerst mich, ich muss an X-Aviation schreiben, und das ist alles!? Haben Sie einen B733-Installer für mich, wie ich ein brauchbares Fluggerät installieren kann, oder ist das für Sie fertig?
  2. Andreas, This error is likely caused by a firewall or antivirus you have blocking the license data from being downloaded on your computer. Best Regards, Cameron The Log 04-12-2024 Firewall off, antivirus deleted, B737-300 deleted and with Fierwall of... new installeted. New activated. 0:05:48.417 G64: warn: We have received:[lss.xa.validation] msg:[8599407] param:[-1006400400] 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: ----Beginning License Check Sequence---- 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: defaulting IXEG license to OFF before activation checks 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Staging kill functions in case license invalid.... 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Verifying Level 2 backup before initiating checks..... 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level 2 backup ready and standing by, Beginning license checks 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: --------------------------------------------------------------- 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Checking for valid license via Level 1..... 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 license check good. Requesting Level-2 check.... 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Performing Level-2 check 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-2 check FAILED 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [1] 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Killing critical functions, kill set [2] 0:05:48.418 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-1 PASS / Level-2 FAIL. License invalid 0:05:48.419 G64: debug: GK: Auto license update is on. 0:05:48.419 G64: debug: GK: Always update is on. 0:05:48.419 G64: debug: GK: Requesting license update.. into Gizmo Menue is the litenc activated, but is the sam error!? Ok, i will a new Installationprogramm or back my money! To time the Boeing is unusable...
  3. Ok, Litjan, here is the Log: Log.txtLog.txt
  4. Yes, that's exactly how I loaded the machine. Turbines run, then ready to fly and restart. The result is the same. Is there an error log and if so where can I send it?
  5. Hello Litjan, The online authorization of the product was displayed and executed at the first start. If that didn't work, how can I run it again? The Saitek switches are on. Fuel is there too. I specifically switched off the Saitek modules, but it still doesn't work!
  6. The day before yesterday I bought and installed the IXEG Boeing 737-300. But I don't have any devices (HSI MFD;,FMC...). Everything is off even though everything is configured correctly. ?There are also no lights on the overhead!?On the pedestal the radios are switched on and have displays!I use Saitek switch, yoke system, radio and autopilot panel... Reinstalling didn't help. What happens there?
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