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Rafael Fernandez

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Everything posted by Rafael Fernandez

  1. HAHA! Here is 2 hours of work Im trying to keep myself awake. . .3445465% of the fuselage is done.
  2. Thanks, Ive just started gathering info for the project. No beta testing needed any time soon. Ill make sure you get to fly it once its done though
  3. Ive started gathering Diagrams, Scales, Photos etc
  4. Hi everybody! Many ideas came to my head. I love serving the flyers of x-plane. I was thinking?.?.? How about a brand new 747-400. Detailed realistic Flight Model , Flight Dynamics etc. Maybe ill even throw in some hard work for a 3D Pit. The first 747 with a 3D pit in x-plane . Id like to know what you think. Give me some ideas. Im hoping this aircraft to be 100% 3D. I will be using both AC3D and Blender back and forth. I could really appreciate any help In need of: Texturer Extra 3D Modellers Plug-in Developers Test Fliers (itll be a loooong time before we need them)
  5. ;D as of today.. YES! there is a new section under Developement teams that I am building currently. Check it out please.
  6. Haha! Definitely I may put up a whole section of the X737 project on the website. But I should get permission to first :-\. Who knows how long that can take!. But look forward to seeing new shots now and then..
  7. Thank you we put alot of work into this project. And there is still ALOT more to come
  8. X737 V.4 may be better than the pmdg 737 And best of all its free. We are working on a new fuselage a 3d pit which I am building and new landing gear.
  9. I would like you to know that as part of the X737-800 team that we are working our asses off day and night to bring a new milestone of aircraft to X-plane We are curenttly working on one of the best to date fuselages known to man for x-plane where every animation we take so much time to do. Also A 3d cockpit is in progress. I cannot reveal further but do not talk bad about the bird as for you will be stunned when the next one comes out around July with new 3d elements.
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