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Everything posted by pharaelga

  1. 1315 ft lbs is the upward torque limit on the trainer aircraft with 1015 ft lbs max allowable. We use the full 1315 ft lbs only in stall recovery or any other emergency which puts us close to the ground. Above poster is right on about the energy management in aerobatic flight.
  2. The plane is taxied with mostly all differential braking. Nose wheel steering is not a big factor in turns in the real aircraft. Javier did a great job with this.... Landing lights per the NATOPS should be switched off prior to retracting gear or you will get a flashing master caution.... hence lights on gear up is bad.... so that is moot glitch.
  3. I've noticed you have not replied to either of my post.... I can potentially get you more business if you can help me iron out some of these deficiences. I fly the actual aircraft about 3 times a week and if we can fix these simple problems I can recommend this program to my peers as a viable instrument trainer, because every thing else is on the money in your design.
  4. Javier, Your product is outstanding.. I tweaked the engine to the same torque settings vs speed as the actual aircraft and I fixed the ADF dilema by creating an NDB station directly over the VORTAC thus making an artificial TACAN station. But my issue now is that in a standard rate turn (120 KIAS 24 degrees AOB) the turn needle is deflecting way to the right ... Is there anyway to correct this to have the needle deflect directly on to the R in a standard rate turn. How do I edit those instrument values?
  5. Is there anyway to tune the RMI ADF1 needle so that it points to a VOR station vice just NBD stations? Thanks
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