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  1. I undestand, thanks you!!!
  2. Hello, where did you get this livery? I cant find
  3. Hello, I would like to know if the wheel pants can be removed from my SR20 G1000 since in real life it does not have them and I like it better without these elements. My other question is if you plan to improve the airplane so that it is CIRRUS SR20 G6 now which is newer and more modern
  4. Hello, good afternoon, I would like to know why when I see the latest update of the plane it is 2.0.2 and when you install it, the .ZIP appears, which is 2.0.2, but on the plane I get that it is 1.4.0 I would like to have the most updated version.
  5. I just bought yesterday the SR20 G1000 TORQUESIM But when I put my gmail and my pasword into the GIZMO program, say " Wait for 30 seconds , but nothing happen , I would like to know how I can fix this.
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