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Everything posted by Phantom_A320

  1. You might wanna read my post lol.
  2. Thanks Jan!
  3. Hey there. This isn’t a bug but I’m not sure where to post. The new ground handling in my opinion is far less realistic. When making a 90 degree (or more) turn while taxiing I have to sometimes go full opposite direction and *still* overshoot. Sometimes I even have to add differential braking to keep from way overshooting which ends up bringing me to a stop. Will the ground handling be revisited? I don’t enjoy the icy feel of the default ground handling. This is definitely one of my favorite planes to fly and I was kinda disappointed with the change in the ground handling.
  4. Any update on the bug? Was it fixed in the latest update?
  5. Thanks! Didn't see that one. I'll reply there.
  6. FWIW I'm having the same issue. It seems to work fine the first time I use the GPU. I havent tried to connect the GPU before taking off after i switch to the APU. But for sure after landing the issue is there for me.
  7. Hello. Just updated to 1.3 and 3 times now after a flight. After landing and taxi in (on the APU). Once I get shut down and get the GPU hooked up I flip over to ground power and I get a BUS OFF light on the left side and CA/FO PFDs show up with a black background. It seems like the left side of the electrical system gets hung up or something. The blue APU GEN OFF BUS light does not illuminate in this situation. Not entirely sure whats going on here But I do know everything was working fine prior to 1.3. And I'm not sure if it matters but i'm on the latest stable Xplane build. Not using the 11.50 beta.
  8. Excellent! It’s really one of the better large turboprops I’ve tried out for the sim. I’ve got a couple thousand hours (real world) in an EMB-120. This is the closest we have in xplane so I’m enjoying it thoroughly so far!
  9. Hello, I recently bought the Saab 340 and had some questions. So far this airplane is awesome. I really enjoy the systems depth and overall quality of the product. However, I have some issues with engine operation. At idle (ground idle) the engine surges. They kind of pulse while sitting at idle and the speed increases and drops a fairly significant amount. Enough to be very noticeable. They are also extremely touchy. You barely move the throttle and you instantly have prop overspeed/over torque then it rapidly falls to where you’d expect it to go. This happens a few times during application of takeoff power. After doing a bit of research I’ve discovered the airplane was an older plane that received updates to be compatible with xplane 11. It also appears there are some known engine issues but I couldn’t find much details on the exact issues. Are these issues I describe known? And is there an update planned with fixes to the engine modeling?? Its a great plane overall and look forward to flying it more.
  10. Okay this is the strangest thing but I think I found the solution. Somehow, I accidentally placed a backup folder for an aircraft I was making changes to into my custom scenery folder. This strangely had an effect on multiple aircraft. I since removed that folder from my custom scenery folder and now things appear to be in working order. Very weird but I think I've got it fixed now.
  11. Here is the log.txt. Not sure if it will help or not. I can add a short video showing the issue but I'm not sure that will ad much to the discussion. Log.txt
  12. I will attach a log.txt when I get home. At the beginning of this I did have XPUIPC installed but I wasn’t using it and got rid of it to solve another issue I was having. (Throttles being unresponsive). Is the log.txt from the main install folder of X-Plane?
  13. Well, I'm glad it's not the license but I can't figure out what is wrong. I don't have fly with lua. I have X-camera but I've disabled it and there is still no change. To add to the list of things. When I open the flight crew tab and try to open doors the radio buttons are unresponsive. Also if I look at my ND while moving the heading knob the magenta bug attempts to move but is continuously reset to the number shown on the MCP. Most of the functions in the cockpit seem to work with the exception of a few of them. The aircraft has plenty of fuel but even when starting "ready to fly" the engines immediately shut down. I can, however start the APU. Is there something I can troubleshoot with to figure out what may be causing the issues??
  14. So the console I found says I have a valid license. So it might not be related to my license. But I'm not sure.
  15. Hello, I recently puchased the IXEG 737 (roughly about a month ago) but didn't start trying to use it until a day or two ago. I activated my plane with the pop-up window in X-Plane (v 11.35) and it seemed to work fine. However, I have many issues and I suspect even though my license was verified that some things may not be working properly. For starters I can't change the speed on the MCP, the HDG or ALT. The two dimmers for cockpit lights directly in front of the left seat are unresponsive. And the engines will not start. They do spool but when introducing fuel I get no light off. Before anybody questions me about my configuration, I am extremely familiar with the 737. I am also a real world pilot with many type ratings and fully understand how to properly configure this aircraft to start it up. I have tried uninstalling the airplane and re-installing it twice now. But the issues still persist. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with my install but it needs to get fixed or the plane is unflyable. Any ideas??
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