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  1. I can close this thread. I took a break, then realized I could run the tutorial again because I was interrupted while I watched it the first time, and was distracted. Went thru the full startup tutorial process, taxied, and took off and am now in cruise flight. It is interesting, as complex as this aircraft is, that it is fps fluid when other, less complex aircraft I have purchased in this niche for X-plane 11 can hit the fps a bit . Once in the air, flying the aircraft and autopilot management is as I expected, and I enjoy it better than the similar Carenado TBM project for Prepare3D4.5. Figured out my door closing problem was caused by grabbing the door in the wrong spot, problem solved. So I am in cruise mode now, flying from Sacto to Vegas, to see if I can win back what I paid for the add-on in a virtual way, lol... John
  2. Tried a fresh start and same thing happens, the realism should be optional. It's nice, but most simmers are not just interested in learning to fly one type of aircraft. There needs to be an easy start and reset option, almost every other developer I have used, and I have used many, offers two ways for simmers to enjoy their aircraft, and many simmers like me are real pilots just interested in enjoying what it might be like to fly something way beyond their means. John
  3. Tks , will give it a go
  4. Yes, it's greyed out. And even in the creation of the new airframe, the thing is a beast to get going, too friggin real. I have flown real time, though non turbine, the procs were always 1-2-3 and easy all the way up to the last aircraft I flew, a hand started Luscombe where I had to pull the prop so my CFI could get me in the air--that was almost fifteen years ago. The developer needs to give us a quick start, or a quick reset, and a no failure option. It's a simulation, not life and death... I do not mind going thru the checklists but sometimes I just expect an aircraft to fly in an easier way. John
  5. I have been trying to enjoy my TBM 900, but the realism is a pain. I blew the engine, and rebuilt the airframe once but the engine just burns and I cannot rebuild the airframe until I shut the engine down. Problem is, the engine shutdown buttons quit working and the damage carries over to the next Xplane 11 start so the rebuild airframe option is not available, which I feel it should always be. I like the startup realism immensely. But is there a way to reset this aircraft before starting Xplane 11 by removing some file or data, and moreover, is there any way to disable all these potential failures? They are a bit too realistic, and I have been unable to even get off the ground after going thru the tutorial and reading the manual. Also, I cannot seem to open or close the pilot door from the handle. I bought this aircraft when some screenshots blew me away the other day at Avsim, and I have faith in it, especially due to the fps and procedural fidelity. But with all other aircraft, I can choose failures or not. When this aircraft fails, it takes some odd series of tricks before it allows you to even build a new airframe. It would be cool if some quick start process could be added for those of us who want to get into the air and fly an aviation game changer like the TBM. John
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