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Everything posted by Jason1970

  1. Good day all. I’m trying to build the fuel loading panel but I can’t find the dataref for the values in digits of each tank . this is to display the value of each tank onto 7 segment digits . is this possible ? I don’t seem to see from. Where this values are coming from . some help or comment would be great . thank you
  2. Here we go , at last a dual annunciator with one tactile switch . Fuel panel right boost pump … glad it’s working IMG_2998.MOV
  3. The screen is a standalone unit, using WebFMC in full screen to drive it . thank you
  4. Almost there ….
  5. Bit more done . CDU now with a PCB , though not a matrix it has saved tons of wires… almost there , most already configured too upper panel buttons … pity the 3D part looks a bit rough …. Bit of sending required .. not much but thought I’ll share ..
  6. Hi, thought I’ll show the electrical panel . Still not wired but Almost there . ive decided to paint the panels all in black , think it provides a better contrast with the white backlight . I know it’s not like the original grey-ish , but hopefully I won’t regret it later requires the bolt cutouts painting ..
  7. I’m on it too …. Early days …
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional livery:- Glossy Burgundy / Metallic Gold.
  9. View File COG (City of Gibraltar) Fictional livery:- Glossy Burgundy / Metallic Gold. Submitter Jason1970 Submitted 02/21/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  10. Missed that one , was coming out of Iceland at -4, so that explains it . thank you
  11. Hello, I am trying to understand what is happening and would appreciate some insight? My thrust is quite low and the aircraft is not accelerating. Its on climb mode and should be reaching Mach 0.8, however the throttle are way lower around 80% when the climb mode says around 95%. Its on FLC, so should it not be at full power (around 95%) and use this to climb? Thank you.
  12. It was back to normal after landing / restart …… issue has not reoccurred..
  13. Hello all, I am entering custom waypoints, but when I do they go to the first next waypoint ,( it’s like I’m using a DIR to ) I am trying to enter this custom waypoints along my route , typically towards the end (page 3 or 4 in my legs ) is there a way to stop my new entries just going to the first point on my legs page ? Thank you
  14. Hello, all covers were removed In flight , ( I had done a previous flight from Edinburgh to Southampton without issues, 20 minutes on ground and after flew from Southampton to Gibraltar ) what I did notice was that after landing it doesn’t let me put a cover on one of the probes . So I left it off overnight . will check tomorrow when I restart , I am hoping the warning has gone ?
  15. Hello, just wanted to ask , after a long flight , on my descent , I get two yellow warnings on my ICAS, AOA and a Stall fail warnings . I cannot place the covers back on one of the probes, I suspect is the one that’s “faulty” can this be cured during flight ? thank you
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Variant of the Jet charters livery. This one in grey / black.
  17. View File Challenger 650 - Jet Charters livery variant. (Grey / Black) Variant of the Jet charters livery. This one in grey / black. Submitter Jason1970 Submitted 02/07/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  18. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional Livery - Jet Charters
  19. View File Challenger 650 - Jet Charters livery Fictional Livery - Jet Charters Submitter Jason1970 Submitted 02/07/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional Livery for Challenger 650
  21. View File HotStart Challenger 650 - Redd Fictional Livery for Challenger 650 Submitter Jason1970 Submitted 02/05/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  22. Hello. Ok I think I answered my own question …. Since I last posted I figured out we can reload a texture within the Challenger 650 menu . It does it in seconds … so I think this is done . thank you for your answer and help , much appreciated
  23. Sorry I am not sure where to post this question — is there a way to see the aircraft painting progress without having to reload it in Xplane? when we doing fine adjustment it seems a bit overwhelming to have to reload texture and art within XP. I was hoping there might be an application which might let us see this ? thank you
  24. That’s great ! Thank you
  25. Hello ive just updated to V1.2.3 I believe , same issue . they do stay in my other monitor when it starts at the FBO, soon as I leave FBO and see the aircraft parked , the undocked windows disappear from my other monitor to the main monitor - as docked windows. thank you
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