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Everything posted by JavierAldaz74

  1. Hello mmerelles, Thank you so so much for the help and really detailed information. I have tried your suggestion today, and it works, I could export the simbrief´s flight plan and it was recognized, after I created the coroutes folder as you said. Besides, yes, I use Navigraph, and the AIRACs in simbrief and the plane were was current one, 1907. Thanks a lot again Javier
  2. I am sorry to bother again with this topic but... My problem... I fly X-plane 11. I usually ( for mid or long range flights) export the flight plans from Simbrief.com and load them into the FMC via the Coroute function within the FMC. I have seen that Simbrief has an specific format for the Boeing 737-300 IXEG but... where do I have to download the flight plan from Simbrief? In which format? I have even created a Coroute folder in the main root folder of the plane (since there is none created) but even then I get a message of "No Coroute folder found" from the FMC. I would be extremely thankful if you could tell me how to export / load simbrief's flight plans into the plane's FMC. Thank you very much in advance Looking forward to hearing from you Javier E_Mail: aldaz.javier74@gmail.com
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