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Nelson H

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Everything posted by Nelson H

  1. Nelson H

    Cabin Views

    Hi, new to the SF340. How does one set a cabin view such as looking out a window, or "walk" from the cockpit back into the cabin to set a view? Thank you.
  2. I just purchased the 340 and having the same issue of the Gizmo not showing all the options and being unable to use it to assign the condition levers. I went into the X-Plane configuration and attempted to assign levers. Obviously did not do this correctly, as I have the left CL assigned to the number two lever on the CH yoke (mixture?) and the right CL assigned to the number three lever on the CH yoke. When I start up the plane and push the CLs forward, the fuel shuts off and the engines die. How can I get both CLs to be assigned to one lever on the CH Yoke, and will this fix the issue of the fuel shutting off when advancing the CLs?? Thanks in advance. Nelson
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