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Everything posted by GripperSim

  1. Hi all, This is a quick look at more free stuff on X-Plane 11. Do you think that sometimes Freeware is better than payware? If you know of any good X-Plane freeware that you like, please let me know. Thanks and have a great week-end! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsDoLLl9XQM
  2. Hi all, And happy Friday! I eventually got to review my new VR headset. This is a first look and my first reactions to it. Let me know what you think! Is Pimax the best VR for flight sim? Pimax Discount code included in video and description. Have a great weekend! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/hSXRR1BThvo
  3. Happy Friday all! I have a challenge for you this week! Can you do it? Have a great week-end! Enjoy. https://youtu.be/cbuujaLdjMo
  4. Happy Friday all! I thought I'd look at the PA31T CHEYENNE II by Carenado this week, also I got a challenge from one of my viewers and I thought, well, let's use the PA31 for this challenge! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/unVQlUg747M GripperSim. : )
  5. X-Plane 11 3 FREE Dangerous Airports Happy Friday all, This is the first video I’ll be doing on Dangerous Airports in X-Plane 11. All the scenery can be downloaded for free. I hope you enjoy this one and discover something interesting! https://youtu.be/IqM4JuYg1Tc
  6. Hi Gregg! Yes, this was an interesting one. Usually I aim to make one take while recording flying. Attempt 1) I blew a tire before coming to the end of the runway and stopped on the beach. Attempt 2) I came off the end of the runway and injured several holiday makers, I floated too much in the flare as I was trying not to burst tires. Attempt 3) As I came in, I dumped all the flaps just before the flair in order to put the aircraft down hard and early. It worked! In hindsight I should have put on a 50 knot headwind and lighten the aircraft in-order to make it easier. I only had a 10 knot headwind in the video. I've also played around with landing a 737 in St Barts before in the past, practise makes perfect! Auto-brakes set at high, full reverse thrust. Give it a try! Its fun!
  7. Happy Friday All, A few tips for those of you new to X-Plane 11, and the graphics I use to enhance my videos. I hope this is of interest to you! Also…. Discount for Pimax VR head sets announced! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVNVRsK5oy4
  8. Happy week-end all, Logan Air fly to and from Sumburgh Airport (Scotland) in the Saab s340. I thought it would be a nice touch to mach up Orbx True Earth North and Orbx Sumburgh Airport with the LoganAir Saab s430 by Carenado. Let me know your thoughts. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=melw3HNRjvg
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