Thanks for the help! Now I have a problem not related to the above, When I export apt.dat or Scenery Pack, even without changes, My x-plane crashes(10.25). Here is a part of my log file: -------- 0:00:12.832 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------0:00:12.832 E/SYS: | Error loading the scenery package:0:00:12.832 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/LLBG/0:00:12.832 E/SYS: | The scenery may not look correct.0:00:12.832 E/SYS: | Please see the log.txt file for detailed error information.0:00:12.832 E/SYS: | (ATC_parser.cpp:923)0:00:12.832 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------0:00:12.832 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LLBG/Earth nav data/atc.dat:0:00:12.832 E/SCN: Invalid ICAO code found!0:00:12.832 E/SCN: Custom Scenery/LLBG/Earth nav data/atc.dat:0:00:12.832 E/SCN: Invalid ICAO code found!0:00:12.832 E/SCN: ***Error with scenery file "atc.dat" (ATC_parser.cpp:1063.)0:00:12.832 E/SCN: Found fatal error!0:00:12.832 E/SCN: 0:00:13.315 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------0:00:13.315 E/SYS: | Error loading the scenery package:0:00:13.315 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/LLBG/0:00:13.315 E/SYS: | X-Plane cannot run with this package installed - you may need to remove the custom scenery package.0:00:13.315 E/SYS: | Please see the log.txt file for detailed error information.0:00:13.315 E/SYS: | (ATC_parser.cpp:1063)0:00:13.315 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gizmo64: Cleaning up..Reset timers: Reset menus..Reset GUI Widgets..Reset GUI Windows..Reset OBJ8 handles..Releasing loaded objects in array, count: 0Reset datarefs..Reset Bullet Physics..Reset OpenAL..Reset Particle Engines..Reset FBO pool..Reset event registrations..Shutting down Lua VMReleasing X-Plane overrides..Releasing all X-Plane overrides.Gizmo64: Cleanup Finished.Gizmo64: XPluginStop() complete.0:00:13.315 D/HID: HID Bridge Shutdown----- X-Plane has shut down ----- Thanks for helping, Thomas.