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About Sk8terboy

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hi Javier Yes, I read the manual before posting , but there it was still marked as "red". I am happy to hear, this is simulated as well. :-* Whatever comes next in future updates, we will love it, i am sure. (as long updates are coming ;-) ) Oliver BTW, Javier, we should meet on VATSIM one day >BG<
  2. Hi sometimes you are asked by ATC (VATSIM) to squawk "ident". As i read the manual, it is not implemented yet. Will it be on the next update ? and when will that roughly be ;-) Cheers Oliver
  3. Hi @thiengo Thank you for your outstanding description of the APP mode. This SHOULD be in the manual as well. ;-) Basically the theory was known to me, i was just wondering why i.e. x737 is doing the APP Glide prior Heading and the CRJ is not. Some of my simmer-friends told me, there is even a button on their aircraft (MSFS Payware) to allow/override this (different a/c though). If the CRJ is that way in reality (means not a bug) that is fine for me. Happy flying Oliver
  4. Hi, Pilots and DEV team, I noticed and tested APP Mode trying to catch the ILS (Glide) during VATSIM and Offline sessions. It seems to me, that Glide path is not being caught while intercepting the course from the side, approaching the glide path from below and not being on course OR already intercepting it (turning in). I now, this is working for other aircraft I have (i.e. x737) Is this the way, the CRJ APP Mode is working in reality or a "little" misbehavior. It works excellent when on being on course or intercepting (turning in, APP controlled) and catching the glide AFTERWARDS. Often you are being vectored to the ILS pretty close and asked to report "established" when intercepting glide and path. So it happened a couple of times, that glide is ready but your are still off from course, rady to turn in for final. Can you guys please verify that behaviour and possibly clarify this ? Thanks a lot Oliver
  5. Hi Cameron, i can duplicate this. Most of the CTD's happen with GEN Switch to ON or very short after. If CRJ survives this moment, everything is fine for the rest of the flights w/o any Problems or CTD. So there must be something acting wrong here. ??? (This happens also w/o any of my million plugins installed) You guys realy might want to look at this again Many thanks for this beautiful aircraft !! Oliver W7 64bit, nVidia 480, i7@3,02GHz XP 9.7, Checklister, SimplePush, XSquawkbox, TrackIR, XACARS, (x737,x737FMC)
  6. Hi, thats easy, check the Pedestal, top center panel, underneath the switches, buttons PRI, STAT, ECS .... Oliver
  7. Hi Thank you Vance for this excellent checklist. You saved us some work. Three Greens Oliver
  8. Hi, (how) can I address Checklist items to Datarefs ? I tried: sw_item:Battery Master|ON:CRJ/syselec/main_batt:1 Does not work that way ??? Three greens Oliver
  9. Mindless post. Stop cluttering the airwaves. Unqualified comment. If you know what these plugs are good for, fine and keep the knowledge for yourself. I still don't and the CRJ flies well without them... and I still like to know what they are doing now or in the future of this wonderful plane. Oliver With these you will never reach
  10. Hi What are Gizmo and Shrink/Wrap Plugin doing for us ? Are they needed for flying the CRJ. I guess not. Oliver
  11. Hi Phillip, Hi Javier you may mark this as solved. ;D Deleting the Checklister PRefs did it Thanks for your help Oliver
  12. Hi Devs one more little thing, i just noticed. Landing lights are there (IMHO a bit far out ?), but TaxiLights are not reflected on the ground. XPlane issue or CRJ ?? I found this: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=52303 and Red Beacon light is visible from the roof inside PAX room Sit in 5th row or behind ;-) Win7 64bit, GForce 470, XPlane 9.70, CRJ 1.1
  13. Hi, I wrote my own checklist for the checklister plug. Since CRJ-1.1 it won't display anymore. Log.txt shows OK (to me) ??? Please look also into errors for CRJ in reference to objects errors Oliver Log.txt
  14. NEW - So far my experience Windows7 64bit, nvidia GTX470, 6GB RAM, I-7 CPU XPLANE 9.70 SimplePushBack Checklister XACARS CRJ-200 1.1 Oliver I tested the above config on three flights, no CTD while working the airplane. On 1st flight a CTD happened while excessively (re-)selecting SIDs/STARs. Will start testing all together with x-squawkbox (online) soon. StdBy for results here. BTW: Maybe we can have a list here (sticky ?) with tested (and working) hardware and software (plugins etc) including a system description in use ??!! Cheers Oliver
  15. Hi have the same effects here: CTD when startup for the first time (cold&dark), on second load everything seems to be OK again. Windows7 64bit, nvidia GTX470, 6GB RAM, I-7 CPU XPLANE 9.69 (9.70) SimplePushBack Checklister CRJ-200 1.1 Oliver Log.txt crash_log.txt
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