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Everything posted by Rexcube

  1. I did mention that I use the virtual earphones in my post to not much better results
  2. Greetings I have searched previous forums to avoid duplication, humble apologies if my search techniques are antiquated.... Anyway, when up in the air, the howling of the wind in the cockpit is such a distracting that I no longer fly the thing. Even when I turn all sound off via x11 settings, the wind is still really loud and am surprised it overrides these overall settings to be honest. I have even checked that doors are closed during flight it is that loud. Presumably this is a hot start internal engine output but I am a bit concerned there are no ways to tone it down a bit. It honestly sounds like a force 10 cyclone in the cockpit howling angrily at me until I land and go under 70kts. I haven't flown a real 900 but surely the wind noise is not like that in real life. Even with virtual earphones on it is still loud. I can upload a video if need be, I just thought I would ask the question.
  3. Hi Removed all plugins except gizmo and it is still doing it. I replaced airframe as well and it does this issue on a brand new plane....... As I said, this issue did not exist in previous versions.
  4. Greetings In the new 1.14 a and b updates, the throttle has a mind of its own and magically moves to full. I have tried unplugging controllers and calibrating it again. The only way to move the throttle down is with the mouse and it then moves on its own all the way up to full power. Needless to say, any flights are now grounded. It was not doing this before the updates...... Any help would be appreciated
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