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Everything posted by Matranga

  1. Alex Nail it. I reinstalled with the beta gizmo and all is working great. Thanks Alex
  2. I am using the stable version it sounded safer. I will try the beta version and see if that helps. Thanks
  3. Thanks Cameron I purchase my computer from Mike at X Force and I understood that it would handle most scenarios. I have attached my spec for you to take a look at. My CPU and RAM run at around 25% with frame rate of 40 to 50. It would be interesting to know what is being exhausting. computer spec.pdf
  4. I have a problem when I load IXEGv1.31 with a crash back to the desk top if I run SkyMaxx Pro v4.9.4 (SilverLining) in my plugins. If i remove SilverLining from my plugin folder IXEG runs great and no crash. I see a lot of discussions on the forums but no answer to the problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. Matranga

    No Sound

    Goran I have sound on the TBM. It was a setting in windows 10. The output was not set to my Lodgitech speakers. The other aircraft I have must not need the setting set to have sound. Now to load all my plugins. Thanks for your input and help Bob
  6. Matranga

    No Sound

    Complete new X Plane download and a new 1.1.1 TBM downloaded with no other aircraft other then the default. No sound whatsoever. This is a real mystery. All default aircraft have sound. It’s got to be something with windows 10 and the TBM. This is not fun. any ideas
  7. Matranga

    No Sound

    No sound after removing all plugins. The only thing Left is start over with a complete reload of X Plane and all the third party aircraft. I lot of work just to get the TBM to have sound.
  8. Matranga

    No Sound

    Thanks Goran I will give it a try.
  9. Matranga

    No Sound

    Your response was in my spam folder. You did respond in a timely manner. Sorry next time I will look in spam Thanks
  10. Matranga

    No Sound

    I have the same issue no sound whatsoever on the TBM900 Hot Start. All other aircraft have sound. Left message at X Aviation three weeks ago but haven’t heard back from them. I don’t use The TBM in VR mode. Is there a place to set VR or normal flight in X plane? We need X Aviation to step up on this issue. Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  11. Hi I am having a problem with not having any sound whatsoever on the TBM 900 by X Aviation. All other aircraft I have have sound. The aircraft works great other than sound. I have left messages at X-AVIATION but no reply get. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. Hi I have a sound issue in that I don’t have any sound on the TBM900. All other aircraft in the hangar has sound. Running windows 10. I have downloaded 1.08, 1.09, 1.9 and none have had any sound. It not the headset I tried that. Any ideas ou there Thanks
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