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  1. I tried all the tips and tricks on this thread and the low FPS problem still persist. I wanna say that I have a mid to high range PC. EVERY add-on that I have runs stable at above 50 FPS unless im flying into London or NYC of course except this bird. What I've observed in my troubleshooting is that when I zoom in focusing on the plane - Whether it is from the exterior or interior views it tanks the frames by a whopping 25 to sometimes 45 FPS! Then, when I zoom out again it goes back to an avg 50-65 FPS. Is anyone else experiencing this? Again, no other add-on behaves like this. Here she is sitting in all her beauty at Key West. Zoomed all the way out notice the high fps. Tried every camera angle imaginable and the results are the same. With or without visual effects. Here she is zoomed in and look at the FPS tanks to 15!!!! System specs 8700K default/ no OC GTX 1080 FTW OC 32GB RAM 4TB storage capacity
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