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  1. ToxicResonance


    I don't see a TOD indicator on mine either.
  2. Plugins> TBM 900> Airframe Manager> Create new airframe This doesn't however reset the panel state. There's no panel state reset button and I think there should be but how I've been doing it (after every time my dumb ass crashes) is by going to Plugins> TBM 900> Tutorials > How to start > Skip intro then quitting the tutorial. So actually do the reverse order of that. Reset the panel state as described first then make a new airframe.
  3. Question is in the title but I was just wondering if the G1000's fuel predictions are accurate, or if they are half of what they should be due to the fact that the plane has two tanks of fuel. I often leave my flights overnight and have them pause at the TOD, but today I woke up to this one having crashed! :(((( Before I went to bed I checked the flight plan fuel prediction and it said I would run out shortly before I arrived (I was doing ENOV to LOWI), but when I did the math myself I should have had much more endurance than that.(250ish gallons/50gph =5 hours) TL;DR, is the fuel prediction in the flight plan section accurate, or is it half of what it should be, because the plane has 2 tanks?
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