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Everything posted by forland

  1. Thanks. I had COMM 1 & 2 but not MIC turned on. Seems to have solved problem. They must have turned on by default in my other planes because I have never had to deal with them before.
  2. Downloaded Hot Start TBM900 to a new computer and can't get Air Traffic Control to respond. I can enter a flight plan but no other functions work. Can't select Ground Control, Tower, Etc. It works fine in other aircraft on new computer and ATC in the TBM900 works on my old computer.
  3. I tried assigning a button on CH yoke and a keyboard key to "Toggle thrust reversers #1" neither one actuated it. Since it doesn't highlight with the "Show Instrument Click Area" I think there is a problem somewhere.
  4. The lockout tab for the throttle on my TBM900 does not function. Hear the click when I pull back the throttle but am unable to get to the taxi range. When I do the View>Show Instrument Click Regions the tab doesn't highlight. I would like to program it to a button on my CH yoke but don't see a term that would apply. Can't find a keyboard shortcut either. Nothing in the tutorial explains how to activate the tab, just says to do it.
  5. I hold left mouse button down and slide the mouse up and down. Eventually it activates so assume I'm doing it correctly.
  6. The crashbar in my TBM900 is very temperamental. It might take 20 or 30 attempts before it will finally change position. Sometimes give up and go fly a different plane and come back to it later. Is there a keyboard command that will activate it? I saw the post on changing the Antialiasing setting. Didn't seem to resolve the problem for me. I have downloaded version 1.0.8. Is there a way to verify that is what I'm running?
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