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Everything posted by franticstone

  1. ah ok! it is weird tho and crazy cause its not always there its when the window of the plane has more screen real estate.
  2. tried all that still present doesnt happen in any other payware i have
  3. Hi, I use the occulus rift and have found an issue thats not present in other aircraft In the top left half there is a square that appears zoomed in. When the VR screen fills the cockpit (no visible windows it is completely fine. To me it gets worse when there is high reflection. I cannot screencap it as it is on device and it is rather annoying
  4. Hi, Have recent build (downloaded and installed within the last hour) Trim (pitch up and down) is not working on aircraft. Have tried the usual and in the joystick editor of x-plane it is detecting the motion of the pitch as pitch up and down but isnt reflected in aircraft
  5. im home in a while i will grab a log file
  6. Number 1 The engine shuts down after about 15 mins of flight with "Aircraft is now activated" However when i check the licence manager from xaviation in the game it says it is. It then crashes the game after doing so Number 2 Auto fuel sel works part of the time i get an imbalance and when i turn it to man then auto the game crashes. Any ideas? any fixes?
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