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LeonardvanderWalt last won the day on October 6 2018

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  1. I'm getting the same issue. This and the engine cutting out whilst taxiing are the two main issues i am experiencing.
  2. Mixture full rich. RPM 2700. CHT sometimes in the 34-35 range but mostly around 33.5. If i keep RPM at 2500 at takeoff it works, but then i need a longer runway and i'm not sure it's SOP's.
  3. When taking off in the SR22TN with full mixture and 2700rpm, I get an aural warning and red warning on the pfd, that my CHT is too high. Is this normal? I have as a result resorted to taking off at 2500 rpm only and not going full throttle. Possibly taking off at 2700rpm and then almost immediately reducing to 2500rpm is the proper way. A little unsure so any advice would be appreciated.
  4. Afternoon, EDIT::: Found them, apologies. Not sure what i am doing wrong but i cannot see the IXEG menu in my X-Plane 11 joystick configuration menu. My Joystick menu has the following options: ATC; Annunciators; Better Pushback; Checklist; Engines; Flight Controls; Goodway; Nav & Radios; Operation; Reply; Time; Views; Gizmo; Laminar; Maxx; Sim_Dynamic Any assistance as to where the IXEG menu is to configure my joystick will be much appreciated.
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