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Jean tardiff

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Everything posted by Jean tardiff

  1. When you are starting up your plane from a cold and dark state, do you do this connecting ground power or using the APU. I think most pilots would use ground power. Most videos on youtube seem to do this with APU
  2. Sorry Litjan just found your cold and dark , 4 part series
  3. Sorry about that, I was wondering what way do most people on here do cold and dark, is it with ground power or just APU, and just curious why the different videos show different orders to do things and some skip steps that other don’t . I printed of the work sheet to follow along but there are a few differences
  4. Just starting to cold and dark and leaving from hangers . When I watch YouTube vids some people use ground power some just thevAPU . I would think most airlines would use ground power ? Also the list seems to be missing some things that people use in the vids no counting fire tests
  5. I did before I posted but will look again . .
  6. When I am getting near the 1000 for mark on descent . I don’t know if I have slowed down to mich but thenthrottle starts going up to 50-55%, it also won’t allow me to use the throttle on my yoke or on the screen and won’t seem to let me connect the throttle blocks . It’s has done it the last few landings . When it’s is supposed to land it starts trying to nose up and take off
  7. Thanks Litjan, the landings are just frustrating , you fly for an hour or two then bounce on the runway . I think it’s the depth perception . Yes the take off from JFK is weird as any other airport dtw Mia sfo or lax never a problem with Sid or vnav on take off . Just like taking off over water or landing coming in from water
  8. I am new to this plane and the big planes in general . Have been watching lots of YouTube videos and my landings are not smooth to put it mildly , usually a big bump . When i disengage the autopilot on final and try to flare I seem to lift nose to much and start to take off . the other question is on departure ; on most departures I usevthe SID and engage vnav and lnav at about 1500 ft.trying to leave KJFK runway 13R - using the Kennedy 5 I delete the vectors as not using atc and usually head right to wavey, but every time it won’t allow mat to use vnav and engages the speed button . I have also tried takeoff no Sid ; right to wavey and again it won’t allow me to engage vnav . I see nothing in the legs to prevent this . I see on the actual charts it say takeoff radar to 159 waverly at 5000 ft aboutb10 min
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