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  1. Hi Jan, Thank you for quick reply, and suggestions to solve the issue. I have solved the issue now. As you mentioned, I started backtracking my changes. I have found that XPUIPC prevents the throttle to respond. Apparently XPUIPC monitors the throttle to output information to 3. party apps. In my case I use ProjectFly and XPUIPC to feed the data. When I removed XPUIPC from the plugin folder, everything worked as it should. Best regards Michael
  2. Hi, I have the exact same problem now. It has been working fine until yesterday. I have tried the following: - Deleted all the pref files - Re-installed the plane twice (did delete the folder before) - Updated the license twice via Gizmo - Calibrated the throttle (Warthog) both in Windows and in X-plane - Restarted computer As described above. I cannot move the throttle at all. Not with the mouse, not with F2. This is my favorite plane, so really hoping someone can help. Best regards Michael
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