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Everything posted by JoshBlack3

  1. Two weeks later and I can finally fly the plane. Like you deleting XPUIPC solved the problem. It's a shame I won't be able to track flights but I just am looking forward to actually flying the plane. I had previously disabled plugins but I had to physically delete XPUIPC for it to actually have an effect. Thanks a bunch Josh
  2. Hi, I've attached the log. Deleting all my preferences didn't work. I've also updated my drivers for the HOTAS and it didn't work. It's also worth noting that when in autothrottle the display in the corner shows the physical position of my throttle at 0 while x plane in the control menu can clearly detect my throttle movements. I would, therefore, suggest that there is a disparity between what x plane receives and what the IXEG receives. Thanks Josh Log.txt
  3. Ok so I reset all of my controls and unplugged my flight stick, neither of them worked and throttle remains unresponsive. Autothrottle modes work but manual throttle doesn't do a thing. Thanks again.
  4. Ok so I tried it with all my plugins disabled and it didn't work still. Here is a screenshot of my controller assignments. Every other button works on the throttle except the throttle axis and it all works on other planes this one being the only exception. Do you have any more ideas? Thanks for all the help, by the way, it is outstanding and above and beyond. It is such a strange thing to happen and I've never had anything like this before like I say with other aircraft.
  5. okay, I've attached it to the message above
  6. I've attached the file. I deleted it and it didn't fix the problem. X-Plane Joystick Settings.prf X-Plane.prf
  7. My throttles are set to simply throttle one and throttle two. I cannot see a simpler command for them. And no other axis is assigned to the throttle. Cheers Josh
  8. I've done that a few times to no avail. I've attached a video of me trying to adjust the throttles although you'll have to excuse the poor quality and take my word that I'm trying multiple times via the keyboard, hand, and throttle to advance the throttle.
  9. No the throttles cannot be moved even with the mouse...
  10. Hi, I bought the IXEG yesterday and have thus far been unable to fly it due to the above issue. The planes thrust just won't respond to my inputs whatsoever. The buttons on my throttle work fine but the plane will not respond to throttle movements whatsoever. I've checked and it works fine with other aircraft. These are the steps I've taken so far; unplug and plug back in throttle, try to use keyboard input, assign and reassign controls and a few other things. The engines aren't only spooling up but the throttle in the VC is also not working. I am using X Plane 11. Any advice or guidance at all? Thanks Josh
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