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  1. Aloha, I am a bit of a newbie and would like help reading the TBM panels mainly the overhead panel. I purchased this plane yesterday but have not been able to fly her as i cannot see the switches to start the engine etc.. The screen shot shows it all, this is as close as i can get using my track ir headset and cannot find out how to get the panel to fly out. Anyone have a suggestion ? I fully intend to go VR but finding it difficult to save the funds required due to covid and lack of business. I was hoping to learn to fly this incredible plane before purchasing the VR set. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance, Peter
  2. Aloha , I asked for support on August 11th. via the leave a message on the X-Aviation web site but have had no reply. My hard disk went down and I need to re-download my real scenery titles. Oahu, Phoenix, Tucson, and Arizona I read somewhere that I need to pay $5 per scenery package. That's OK but I do not know how or were to pay? Any help would be great. Mahalo form Hawaii. Peter
  3. Mahalo!
  4. Aloha Cameron, Just checking to see if you have made progress on the download? Mahalo, Piko
  5. Aloha, Thank you so much i cannot wait to fly with seasons. It will be a great enhancement to X Plane 11 Piko
  6. Aloha Cameron I still cannot download Terra Maxx, as you know i have been trying for over 2 weeks. If you have a work around to this problem or a DVD that would be nice, Otherwise i have no option but to request a refund of my money. Mahalo, Piko
  7. Aloha, How is one supposed to get in touch with support? On Saturday may 26th. I purchased over $100us on software from a guy named Cameron. Sunday i emailed him to say that after countless hours of trying to download Terre Maxx i just couldn't get it to finish the download . All of the other software titles download with no problems. Cameron told me he would see if he could supply me with a DVD. This DVD never arrived and since that weekend i have not heard from Cameron. I have never ever been treated this badly from any of the countless X Plane suppliers of scenery and planes that i have had the pleasure of doing business with.. I have sent 7 emails (approx. 1 per week) and the last message i stated that if i did not hear back from him by Monday June 11th. I would cancel my credit card. Well i never heard back and i didn't cancel my card. Bottom line i wanted that program. Now ; as you can tell i am pretty pissXXX off........................ I think this is downright rude of the guy. He was there all weekend answering my questions regarding the sale, he even suggested that i purchase "Skymax and Real Weather" which i did and love them. Then as soon as he has my money and i have a problem with downloading Terra Maxx he just disappears. This is a cry for help but also a cry of disappointment in Cameron. I normally do not use forums much (too busy flying) but the guy has left me no alternative but to hang our dirty laundry up in this forum via this message. I must admit that i have not read any messages in this forum so i do not know if i am an isolated case or whether this is common practice. this message is basically to flush Cameron out of the woods and help me to down load terra maxx. or better still provide a DVD. Mahalo, Piko
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