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About pfeiffer3383

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Thanks Philipp, Danke Philipp, will do so.
  2. Hi, there is no flightpath shown on the EFIS. Also it is no more possible to release the parking brake. So, i don't know exactly what the reason for this is. One thing i have to mention:I purchased the A321 from Peter Hager, and had only problems with crashes and so on. The A321 is still not working. I am in intense contact with Peter. He told me to remove ALL plugins. So that means i moved out the Gizmo and Shrink wrap plugin. So the A321 is still not working, and after removing the Gizmo and Shrink wrap pluigin i got this problem with the CRJ. I tried to install the CRJ new, but got the same problem. Any solution?
  3. Dear Camaeron, i know how to use the "old" FMS, and i know the turtorial und manual in the aircraft folder. But it is not up to date with the FMS. Thanks Japo will check it when i am at home. Regards.
  4. Hi to all, is there any maual how to use the new functions of the fms4200? best regards. René
  5. Hi to all, Glen, thank you so much for your suggest. Just renamed X Plane 10 Full to only X and it worked fine. But i had not enough time, so just selected one SID, and one STAR, and had no crash. Best regards. René
  6. Hi, my installation path is C:Desktop, so this could not be the problem. XPlane is still crashing. Regards René
  7. Hi Philipp, just removed the airport nav from the plugins folder, and also from he preferences folder. Same problem. (But worked with version 1.3)
  8. Hi, just wanted to test version 1.4 today. But when selecting an SID xp crashes to desktop. See attachments. Best regards. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  9. Hi, i can't zoom in and out the cockpit in XP10 like in XP9 (3D cockpit mouse look). Does it depends on XP10 or on V1.3? Or do i something wrong?
  10. I have the same problem with the engine fire.
  11. Hi to all, i had a lot of troubles with the crj200. But i deleted x plane and reinstalled it.Also i installed the crj v.1.1. I use only the plugins airport navigator and checklister. Scenery is only europe installed. Now the plane works perfectly. (WIN XP) The only problem is that x plane (9.70) crashes with custom scenery. I did not have the problem with the x737. I only have EDDM,LOWS,EDDS,LOWI,LDDU.EDDH installed. If i move the custom scenery to the desktop, x-plane works. But the crj is a great plane. May be that there is a problem with x-plane 9.70 and the custom scenery??
  12. Hi to all, i deletet x-plane and reinstalled it. But unfortunately i deletet also goodway flightplanner. Can somebody help me? regards.
  13. was ist PM? Habe nichts verändert, bei Version 1 hatte ich das Problem nicht. Jetzt habe ich 1.1.1. normal runtergeladen und installiert.
  14. Hi, i am using windows xp see attachments
  15. Hi, so there are 2 files in there. Named Display Frame and FMS. These files are True Vision Targe Pictures. You can open it with picture viewer. But no file named fms.tga ??? René
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