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Everything posted by NewSimUser

  1. Hello everybody, I have some problems with the 737. At first I cant disable the camera shaking. When I open the IXEG 737 CLASSIC PREFERENCES pop-up menu and disable "camera shaking" will it doesen´t work. The second smaler problem, I cant open the doors. Cargo doors are no problems. But when I open the CABIN CREW pop-up menu and make the point/enable "Open door 1-Left" it will not work. The Door, for mybe the Gate, stay closed. I hope you have any idears for my issueses. Thank for you time!
  2. Ah Okay thank you!
  3. Here is the route: UMMS/13 GOVI1A GOVIK M863 RUDKA T174 WAR N871 KUKOP N869 OKG UN869 DKB Z818 GEBNO DCT EDDS/07 UMMSEDDS.fpl
  4. Hello again Now new problem by loading the flightplan. I cant load the route UMMSEDDS. The FMC says "Invalid coroute format". But when I load EDDVEDDS is everything okay. Anyone an idear?!
  5. It´s so easy Thanks for your help, it´s working!
  6. Hello friends! I have some problems with the 737 classic. Exactly with the flightplan. At first i read the documentary to see how I can import a flightplan. But here beginns the first problem. I have no "coroutes" folder. Documentary: "In order to be loaded into the FMS, these coroute files must reside in a folder called coroutes, which is located within the root 737 directory." So I start x -plane enter some points in the FMC to safe this route and the FMC is calling "problem saving file"! So what can I do to solve this problems? Thanks for your idears!
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