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Posts posted by Majela

  1. 24 minutes ago, tkyler said:

    Not necessarily.  If you dig into your fmc_data >  SidStar folder inside the IXEG folder and pull out the ENGM.xml and EDDU.xml files and post them here, I can try to reproduce this with your exact dataset.  It is definitely worth trying to reproduce for me as I would not expect that bypass calculation.


    Hi, tkyler,

    Here are the files you requested: SID/STAR for ENGM and LDDU.
    Thank´s  lot,


    engm.xml lddu.xml

  2. 2 minutes ago, tkyler said:

    Not necessarily.  If you dig into your fmc_data >  SidStar folder inside the IXEG folder and pull out the ENGM.xml and EDDU.xml files and post them here, I can try to reproduce this with your exact dataset.  It is definitely worth trying to reproduce for me as I would not expect that bypass calculation.


    I will looking for this files later !!

    Thank´s a lot !!
    Best regards,


  3. 5 hours ago, tkyler said:

    ALS is the first point of the enroute portion, but looks like you have several points before that (being your on page 3).  Did you select a SID? or insert the points manually?  If you can give me all the individual waypoints up to ALS, that would be helpful.  Those distances are large enough that I wouldn't expect a bypass...indeed do not get one with the dataset I'm using. (Navigraph 23 Apr 2020).

    Hi, tyler,

    Excuse me !! I forgot to inform the ENGM SID. I used OKSA4A with OKSAT transition and, then, the route I informed above.
    I guess that due to the AIRAC used by me is outdated, my route is not recognized correctly ...
    Thank´s a lot for your attetion !!
    Best regards,


  4. 9 minutes ago, Ben Russell said:

    Good to hear you have it working and some happy flights.

    Your English is excellent. No need to say sorry. Be proud of it. I can speak no Portugese at all. ;)

    Ah ! Excellent !!
    Thank´s a lot, Ben Russel !! ( Muito obrigado, Ben Russel, in portuguese) !! :):)

  5. 7 hours ago, Ben Russell said:

    Tgxp is literally reporting itself as the likely cause of the crash. 

    The error looks somewhat like a null pointer exception but its hard to tell because they're using their own custom log data formats with no hints about what any of it means. 

    I suggest you ask the Tgxp team if they can give you any further insight. All I can do is take a random guess. They might at least be able to take an educated guess or better. 

    Finally I was able to make two complete flights !! I made ENGM/ESSA (round trip). To solve this problem, I followed these steps:
    1) I uninstalled IXEG 737-300 using the application Uninstall IXEG 737 Classic.exe (located in the in X-Plane´s 11 root folder).
    2) Deleted the folder X-Aviation (in X-Plane 11 root folder).
    3) Make a backup of your Liveries, coroutes and B733_prefs.txt (and others files you consider importants) in X-Aviation folder (located in Airplanes folder) and, then, delete this folder.
    4) Make a fresh install of IXEG 737-300 1.31. 
    For while, I consider this issue resolved.
    Thank´s for your attetion.
    Best regards,


    PS: Sorry if my english sounds strange and/or incorrect. I´m not native in this language...

  6. 7 hours ago, Ben Russell said:

    This is in your Log files, seems like a good place to start..

    TGXP: **************************************************************************************
    TGXP: ******
    TGXP: ****** Crash probably caused by "D:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\Traffic Global\win_x64\Traffic Global.xpl".
    TGXP: ******
    TGXP: **************************************************************************************

    Yeah. I saw this line. With the purpose to test if this was a big issue, I made two flights in the same route: ENGM/ESSA (round trip) with Zibo (3_42_7) and MD-80 Rotate and no problems happened. Furthermore, I have Traffic Global (with latest patch) installed since October last year. I did hundreds of hours of flights (literally) with this plugin in a completely satisfactory way.
    Thank´s for your attetion.
    Best regards,


  7. I can't complete a single flight after updated to 1.31 version. Today I tried make three flights with this aircraft and all finished abruptly (alias to CTD). Before this update, I flew this aircraft successfully ...I´m considering a rollback to 1.21 or 1.3.
    I Attached my Log.txt.
    Thank´s in advance for your attetion.
    Best regards,



  8. Hi,
    I filled a route, manually, and in the HSI doesn't shows the entirely route. In parts of route,  the word Bypass appears (as picture bellow). My route is:
    Dep: ENGM
    Arr: LDDU
    I´m using Airac 1903 provided by Simbrief.
    Best regards and thank´s for your attention,



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