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About 1053857

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hi Cameron, this is not what I'm saying. I manage to activate it if you will, then it just crashes at the last step. But if you consider it one of those bugs, no worries, I'll send an email to x-aviation.
  2. When I do the update in the game, I enter my email adress etc. I get my new password and blabla, but it stays stuck on "Saving updated files" or something along those lines. It stays there for a while, then XPlane eventually crashes...
  3. You have the AP engange switch, and the AP bar under the AP switch. Make sure the AP bar is pushed in. If it is pulled out, you cannot engange the AP.
  4. Hey this is my video... nice I've also seen it circle around on some french forums too..
  5. Oh..yea So what can the solution be in the mean time?
  6. Hello again, when inserting my FP in the FMC, when you enter a NAVAID (in my case it was the "NC" NDB) a list of all the "NC" NDB's come up. But when I go to select the NDB 1LK, 2LK etc. etc. nothing happens. So I was curious to see if it was still entered anyway, so I checked the FPLN page and LEGS, and "NC" was not in the flightplan (Thats what I was expecting). Any help? P.S I've read through the manual, tutorial, and pilot handbook. Can't seem to find anything on that Kind regards,
  7. Oh ok how foolish of me... I remember reading that part of the manual, but the opposite of what you said (select SID first then runway). Thanks, and by the way, what a great aircraft...
  8. Hello guys, I am trying to do a flight, I've prepared everything, but when it is time to select a SID (LFMN, BODR5A departure, so page 3/27) I click on 1LK, and nothing happens really.. Any ideas ? Kind regards,
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