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Everything posted by KAPTEJNLN

  1. Yes but it DOES NOT have to just pick 1 as all data is in the wpNavRTE if it just read the lines GZO UP126 PNZ now it already know from that database that both GZO and PNZ is part of airway UP126 + there location. As when ever it is NDB or VOR is selected By SID and STAR. Or a simple way for it to read like this (just entered the data it shows on fms as it is not the right(a known bug)): DIR GZO(115:00) UP126 PNZ UM726 ROSOK T296 CDA then if it reads it it would know what waypoint we are talking about. Els loading is use less for many. as this isent the first flightplan that dosent work. could use the first waypoint after the VOR but dont think Vrout then want to handel it, as they have to check all routes. As i have been in contact whit them to get it supported.
  2. The main problem is that when you just load the flightplan it search in the wpNavAID dokument for VOR or NDB GZO that is ok if i was manualy entering the flightplan. What i think is missing when loading a flightplan is that it search the wpNavAID and wpNavFIX but not wpNavRTE so it dosent look for the airway between GZO and PNZ as UP126 include both waypoints in the dokument: wpNavRTE and therefore this problem would stop when it first have 1 vor. as told yesterday when i delt THE NDB so it only could select VOR it just entered the hole route. If i only have the NDB it would select GZO NDB but then ask for PNZ as no vor set then it keeps loking until it finds the first Vor then it autmatic read the other dokument and find the rest. becaus there is no problem whit the rest of the route as it then use the: wpNavRTE For the rest of the route. so that seems to be the problem. also seems a bit funny as when inserting SID it reads so far i can see the data from wpNavRTE.
  3. about this: I don´t understand what you mean, if i first create the route by entering in the plane and save it. Then next time it should load the flightplan whit out problems, but starts whit asking about GZO and when done it knows the rest of the route as already filed.
  4. i tryeid to delt the NDB from the dokument: wpNavRTE then it showed the route corect as it is displayed on vroute as there now is only VOR but if this was included in the ICAO route file there would be no problem as it seems to be when we shuld manualy select it stops therest of the route. Then i tryeid to delt the VOR for testing so it was the NDB there was there now i got problems at PNZ as there is 2 waypoints at different locations then i could press 1lsk and then i pressed 2lsk and the route stoped at PNZ the rest was gone. This is also the only way of set GZO UP126 PNZ UM726 ROSOK T296 CDA as told before after GZO was locked and could insert UP126 between GZO UP126 PNZ only by using the next waypoint But hope there is a solution so it could be suported by vroute if posible Best regards LN
  5. HI this is another thing. I have tryeid to create some routes to se how they are built and so. as i have been siting whit some flightplaans from Vroute and inserted to the CRJ. Then i found a big problem. and seems to be when there is both a VOR and NDB at the first waypoint. as the route looks like this: Vroute flightplan from LMMLto EKCH: GZO UP126 PNZ UM726 ROSOK T296 CDA if i just enter it manualy or from the plane it saves it but next time i want to load by entering LMMLEKCH it ask about GZO and i can only select VOR as NDB is shown but when pressed nothing happens. but thats not the big problem. it is that when i selected VOR for GZO it then only show GZO the rest of the route isen´t loaded. also i can´t set the airway UP126 after GZO have to set it this way to use the airway: DIR GZO DIR SUSOM UP126 PNZ UM726 ROSOK T296 CDA Note have the curent navdata.
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