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Everything posted by Causa

  1. WOW! That was the issue! The activation window popped up, feed in the information and all is good. Ran some third party aircraft with G500 and ran fantastic ! Thank you for your support in T/S and solving my problem. Regards Jim Causa
  2. Actually I do,X-plane opens up with 3 and I have total of 5 monitors. I've never saw any activation window .
  3. Funny you asked that, but the program never request an activation code. When installing the G500 it ask for me to sign into X-Aviation. Once entered it loads the program into X-Plane. The software Order Number is 117008 there was no activation code attached to the e-mail. Log 9-27-21.txt
  4. Yes I did move the folder, but after re-installing X-Aviation's updated install program. The Gizmo64 folder is located in the plugin folder of X-Plane as it should be. Is there a switch to power on the G500, or a brightness knob to brighten the displays. Looks like the displays are blank or dimmed to low. I also ran the install program as admin, no difference.
  5. The only anti-virus running is windows 10 defender and windows 10 firewall . As for a write permission issue, all third party programs that I have installed in X-Plane 11 all loaded correctly with no issues. What do you believe is my next step.
  6. I had opened a ticket with X-Aviation and asked me to download an updated file to fix G500. see below First, please re-download and re-install from the new download: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.phpThere's a new addition of code in the installer that may help with this.Also, as a cautionary measure, please be sure you do not have X-Plane running when you re-install the G500.Best Regards,Cameron This seems to have fixed the error msg when adding the G500 to aircraft . But still the displays are blank. Please note that all battery switches and avionics powered on. Jim
  7. Coop Just added a capture of X-plane main, Resources , and Plugin folder. Hope this shines some light as to what's happening. Again Thanks Jim
  8. Please see attached file that you requested. Hope this helps you resolves the issue I'm having with G500 Again Thanks Jim Log.txt
  9. Loading into X-Plane was OK. But ran into a few issues with the G500. After using the aircraft installer it showed an error and that the install was not complete. Stated that it could not read the Products.ini file. Ran the aircraft anyway and used the drop down menus to show in aircraft . No matter what I did it would not power on. Next I restarted X-plane and loaded X-Aviation's 172. Also could not power on. Just an added note, is there any documents on how to use the G500 that come with the software? Thanks Jim
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