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Everything posted by buspelle

  1. Many thanks Goran and Ben and the whole theam behind this beauty! this is for sure a stunning bird! Love it! Looking forward to the update soon! And thanks again! Best regards Per
  2. ..And for this lovley plane... slipped on the keyboard here... haha!
  3. Thanks Goran! Thanks for the quick reply! And for thisthis lovley plane! Do You know when the 1.5 will be released? Best Regards Per
  4. I just bought this stunning bird! (I know its not fully compatible with XP11) but in mid air, at cruise altitude and in level flight, the SAAB is always a litlle to the left, and not level in the air. She flies straight, following the nav or heading, but the aircraft has a small tendency of having the left wing "dipped" or "dropped" some degrees to the left. Anyone know how to fix this? or is this one of the "bugs" not making it comp. with XP11? Best regards Per
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