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Everything posted by Makaros

  1. Yes, it was the correction for the wind. Thank you!
  2. Actually, I am doing a lot of things wrong but I am really confused by this situation. As you can see the airplane's nose does not point to the direction I am travelling. I don't really know if this is a bug or It is caused by a faulty flight operation. Any ideas?
  3. When I start a route I put a random departure on fmc so it can calculate the point of descent etc. Unfortunately when I try to put a new departure en route, the fmc keeps the old fixes, (the random ones) and the plan becomes really messy. I guess I am missing something. Is there a way to put a new SID over another one?
  4. It worked. It is really strange that after switching the vortices of, I can switch them back on without having this problem.
  5. https://youtu.be/y5MSm-2HXUU Hello there. At first I thought it was a bug with the strobe light but it is not. It happens only when it is daylight outside and only with this aircraft
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